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Ravenous itchy

Order Of The Phoenix

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I went to see the movie at the tues midnight show, because i was really excited about it. The start of the show was horrible (it would have made absolutely no sense to anyone who hadn't seen previous HP movies) and though it did improve as it progressed, it was so painful to watch, I was still left wishing I had kept my $12 by the end.

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i think if you have only seen the movies, and never read the books, it's perfectly enjoyable and you'd be just as delighted with it as with any other potter flick. but since i am not cool anymore and have spent the last 3 months reading all the books on a dare and then RE-reading them by CHOICE i was super disappointed at how choppy and out of sequence it was, and because i'm a purist and want it to be 8 hours long and word for word, i was disappointed with some of the stuff they cut out.

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reading the lotr books makes me want to sleep forever because they are the most mind numbingly boring thing i have ever read, aside from atlas shrugged. potter might not be a 'literary masterpiece', but at least when i'm reading them i look forward to it, instead of feeling like i'm being forced to read something against my will.

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I thought it got off to a rocky start, and I HATE this Dumbledore (he is so un-Dumbledore!!!) But I thought that it was good. I think that it does show that this was the one script of the series that wasn't writen by Steven Kloves. And I would love a 8 hour version, but considering that they really can't have it be more than 150 minutes, I thought they did very well.

I thought Luna was great.

I feel like they really didn't (couldn't?) convey how huge a thing it was for Harry when Sirius dies. (There wasn't enough of him in any of the movies).

I thought it was very good, but I really hope Alfonso Cuaron comes back for Deathly Hallows! I think he did such an amazing job for PoA!

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reading the lotr books makes me want to sleep forever because they are the most mind numbingly boring thing i have ever read, aside from atlas shrugged. potter might not be a 'literary masterpiece', but at least when i'm reading them i look forward to it, instead of feeling like i'm being forced to read something against my will.

challenging yourself is wrong, go for whats easy.

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reading the lotr books makes me want to sleep forever because they are the most mind numbingly boring thing i have ever read

at least the fellowship of the ring. I never made it past that so I won't judge the rest but SERIOUSLY!!!! how many pages of "frodo and sam walked towards mordor" could he write?! I wanted to kill meself when I was reading that

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i like this dumbledore, i don't know why everyone else hates him so much. he's more intimidating and i think that's necessary since he's supposed to be so powerful and scary to the bad guys. i suppose he could be a bit more batty, but overall i like him and i want him to be my grandpa. i liked luna, as well, and i thought umbridge was fantastic. i was also pretty impressed with the thestrals. but i agree that they didn't do a very good job of conveying how much of an impact sirius has had on harry and how IMPORTANT he was to him. they made his death kinda seem like an oh whatever when really it's a huge fucking deal.



and i didn't like lucius's sassy side part. or the fact that he was wearing clothes.

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Guest Prosis
I went to see the movie at the tues midnight show, because i was really excited about it. The start of the show was horrible (it would have made absolutely no sense to anyone who hadn't seen previous HP movies) and though it did improve as it progressed, it was so painful to watch, I was still left wishing I had kept my $12 by the end.

Well the fact that you had to see the previous ones to understand would come from them being one big story divided into 7 books. So you can't really blame anyone for that except the author.


And I get the feeling that this book or movie if you will is more of an in between thing a bit like when Rocky is training. He's just getting ready for the fight which is the main attraction. Except this story being longer than 2 hours, it's a bit more disturbing.


I liked it though (and I have never read one HP book). And it's true, this Dumbledoor looks a bit meaner than the first one. But nowadays, it would be a little hard to hire him again him being dead and all ;)


And Christy, I completely agree about LOTR. The whole thing may be a masterpiece because of its complexity...but god damnit I would rather watch paint dry than read it. I bought the big brick a couple of years ago and stopped after something like 40 pages.

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i really liked the movie, too. i read the first 2 books, and some of the third but i had to stop 'cause of my paralizing fear of wolves. i'm trying to read it again now though, and so far so good.


of course the movie doesn't make sense without seeing the ones before... it's a sequel.


i'm very upset with j.k, though. i don't know how she can make all that shit happen to harry. for some reason i'm taking it very personally.

i had a couple long debates about this movie yesterday....

and we came to the conclusion that you cannot compare the movie to the books. they're so different and complex in their own ways that it's unfair to the authors and the directors/producers/etc to do so.


i find that the movies are better 'cause when you're reading the books you're like 'ohh that's cool but it could never happen' but when you're watching the movie you're liek 'holy shit! it's actually happening!"


i dont know why i'm going on and on about this.

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i find that the movies are better 'cause when you're reading the books you're like 'ohh that's cool but it could never happen' but when you're watching the movie you're liek 'holy shit! it's actually happening!"

That's weird, cause I'm the opposite. I read the books and I'm completely freaking out, and then I watch to movies, and it's less real to my on scree, it's more like its a dream that I know I will wake up from.


But I do agree that they are 2 completely different mediums that it is impractical to compare.

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i really liked the movie, too. i read the first 2 books, and some of the third but i had to stop 'cause of my paralizing fear of wolves. i'm trying to read it again now though, and so far so good.

i love you, really, i do.. but oh, meg.



also i don't understand how it's 'impractical' to compare a movie that is BASED on a book to the said book. ?

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That's weird, cause I'm the opposite. I read the books and I'm completely freaking out, and then I watch to movies, and it's less real to my on scree, it's more like its a dream that I know I will wake up from.


But I do agree that they are 2 completely different mediums that it is impractical to compare.

I'm like that with books as well. For example, in Orson Scott Card's novel Shadow Puppets

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when Bean finally gets his chance to kill Achilles, I have never been so excited and happy and relieved to see the bad guy finally get what's coming to him, and I have never felt that with any antagonist in a movie.


I find with books I can immerse myself a lot easier and have more fun imagining the situations in the novel than I do with seeing them on a screen in a movie and for the most part, can connect better emotionally with the characters. But like you said, they are two totally different mediums and you really can't compare.

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i love you, really, i do.. but oh, meg.



also i don't understand how it's 'impractical' to compare a movie that is BASED on a book to the said book. ?

you don't love me.


it's not my fault i'm scared of wolves, and i don't really appreciate being made fun of 'cause of it.


as for comparing the books and the movies, obviously it's going to be different 'cause everyone imagines it differently and due to time/money/materials constraints it's not going to be exactly like the book.

neither of them are going to be any good if you just compare the two.

it's based on the book, it isn't the book.

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you don't love me.


it's not my fault i'm scared of wolves, and i don't really appreciate being made fun of 'cause of it.

i'm not making fun of you for being scared of wolves. i'm making fun of you because it's completely ridiculous that your fear of wolves is such that you can't even finish a book, especially when the book isn't even ABOUT wolves and the only part of it that has anything to DO with wolves doesn't even have anything to do with actual WOLVES, but a WEREWOLF, which is not even a real creature.

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As a complete Anti-Harry Potter person, I was dragged kicking and screaming into the latest movie, IMAX 3D version, last night.


I have previously watched the first 2 movies, so I wasn't too lost, plus, my friend made it a point to abridge everything for me, in the 1 hour line-up.


That being said, I can't say I was enthralled by the movie at all, but I'm maybe less Anti-Potter then I was before, as it was a generally enjoyable way to waste 2:30hrs, and 3D made it dorky and fun. Visually, it was very fun to watch.


It certainly made no fan out of me, and you won't see me reading the books, but I'll be less argumentative, when next movies come out, I think.


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That part in the movie, where Harry Potter's like "I'm SO ANGRY at EVERYTHING", I just wanted to yell "Welcome to puberty, you daftard. Voldemorte be damned."


and Harry Potter can't kiss for shit.

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Another Harry Potter movie I refuse to watch. I think I'm pretty much the only person I know who hasn't seen/read anything of the series.

there's a REASON that everyone and their fucking mom is reading these books. give up the way too cool act and i promise you, you'll enjoy them, even if you hate to admit it.

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