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Q About The Beginning Of Champions Of Nothing

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weird here is normal, weird here is extreme somewhere else

no no, thats what the guy says (who i think is Matt). I'm talking about the part that repeats with the woman's voice. She says something right before: "...love is a strong word. I hate you".


I cant make that part out.

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There's already been a thread about it, and Matt said on his facebook that the stuff that sounds garbled after the chick says "I hate you" is the "love is a strong word" sample being played in reverse.

What is Matt's Facebook URL please?

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the talking clips in this song are awesome. This is by far the most emotionally poweeful song on the record IMO.


I hate the talking smaples on "Black Helicopter" though, ie: the "I Want" repeating samples, makes the song lame.

They bother me a bit too on Black Helicopter. The way Matt filled that time in his live performance on the radio was much better.

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