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Ex Pats Soundalike

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now talk about the jimmy eat world song that is a rip of everythings automatic...

Which it can't be because it would be almost impossible for Jimmy Eat World to have heard Automatic. It wasn't a single in America.


Just because songs are similar doesn't mean one is a rip-off of the other.

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just because a song wasn't a single doesn't mean they wouldn't have heard it. people do buy records and listen to the other 9 songs too, at least once.

Which album was that? The one that wasn't released in America, or the one that was released in America (but not until 2001) that Americans didn't buy?

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first off, i'm american and know who MG is so that doesn't rule out anything in fact I think it makes a copy almost more possible. Maybe they were touring in canada, visiting or heard the song in a friends car. a couple weeks later they have the beat in their head(s) and it gets turned into a song.


I didn't mean to imply the jimmy eat world kids were like hey lets copy this song that's on the radio in canada and slip it into the last track of our new cd. I think it just sorta worked out that way....

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first off, i'm american and know who MG is so that doesn't rule out anything in fact I think it makes a copy almost more possible. Maybe they were touring in canada, visiting or heard the song in a friends car. a couple weeks later they have the beat in their head(s) and it gets turned into a song.


I didn't mean to imply the jimmy eat world kids were like hey lets copy this song that's on the radio in canada and slip it into the last track of our new cd. I think it just sorta worked out that way....

If you play guitar, you'll quickly understand why the EIA / 23 similarity is just a coincidence. The similar parts between the two songs can be played with one finger.


Start with an E minor power chord (two fingers) - middle finger on the second fret of the A string, ring finger on the second fret of the D string. Lift your ring finger, play the two notes back and forth. Next, put your ring finger back down, lift your middle finger, and play the two notes back and forth. Once you've mastered it with two fingers, hit Expert level and play it with one.


From there, the songs aren't the same. 23 is in Drop-D, so the next note is the low D string open. EIA goes to G, which you can one-finger via the third fret of the low E string.


It's one thing if the part were something super-complicated. But it'd be pretty easy for two guitarists to find that bit the same way - via an E minor power chord.

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I think...maybe I think that I said it was a coincidence in the second post. When I said rip it wasn't meant to be taken as the JEW kids were sitting around looking to steal ideas. but the songs at the beginning sound to my uneducated ears the same. Since you just painted that picture stating the same thing you must agree.


thanks for the guitar lesson....

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Anyone who is a songwriter will be haunted by this problem.


you write a riff, you get really excited about it, then you hear a song that has a very similar riff to yours.


Its gonna happen. You just gotta laugh and shrug it off. I wrote a song back in 2001 that has the same progression as Howie Day's "Collide". Imagine my surprise when i was walking in the mall and all of a sudden heard what sounded like the beginning of my song. Freaked me out for a moment.

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There are only so many chords progressions to chose from. It's about creative composition, and there's nothing wrong with drawing some innocent inspiration from other artists. This thread is like saying a painter is copying another for using yellow, green and blue in close ratios

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