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New Britney Spears Part 2 & 3

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From a club-goer's perspective, I can see how "Gimme More" would make some really sweet remixes...


I think my soul died a little for saying this...but it's kinda catchy... >.> If it wasn't so repetitive.

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Just because some fucking judge says Britney is a worse parent than K-Fed doesn't make it so. Does anyone seriously believe she would have lost custody of her kids if her party escapades weren't national news - if she wasn't a celebrity?



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*snickering* does anyone really give a shit? She was an idiot before, and now she's a bigger idiot...


You have to understand, she was a lousy role model to begin with, and she's just won the lousy role model of the year award.


The 2007 Person Who should have not been allowed to reproduce award goes to Britney"Hey everyone here's my Vajayjay"Spears. No talent loser.

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Well, from what we've seen, she's a pretty unfit mother. No children should have to deal with a mother who abuses substances...


I think that's kind of deserving of at least a little contempt...


And really, by being a media personality, which was her career choice, she inevitably does become a role model. And thusly, a poor one.


I suppose we're pretty harsh on her...but she does deserve it. She's making poor life choices, and she oughn't to get away with it.

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I can't believe this shit is international news.

I'm not above a Britney joke here and there, but that being said in all seriousness..

She's not a role model. She's a person with feelings and she's being victimized by the court system and the media. You think it's funny? I think it's sickening. She's done nothing to deserve your contempt.


Pretty much.

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it's a shame that the courts get to use all the stuff the paps catch on film. this isn't the case for most other custody cases and so i do agree with bizud as far as that goes... but at the end of the day, she's doing unfit mother stuff, like tracy said. it's shitty that she got caught doing it (but not really), but regardless of who she is or how the courts got the evidence (they did subpoena her friends, employees, family, etc.), she was proven unfit for primary custody.

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We shouldn't think we have any idea how fit a parent she is or whether her drug use or partying are actual problems. The only picture we get of her personal life comes from the same sick sensationalist media. It's also the case that women are held up to higher expectations than men when it comes to parenting. How come nobody's drug testing K-Fed?

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Because Britney has been to rehab like three times in a year and he doesn't have a drug use documented?


Seriously, I bet the kids are better off being adopted or something. But that's just an assumption and I just feel sorry for their kids.

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the way i see it, she is being treated fairly equally. she failed to do what the court asked her to do (random drug and alcohol testing, counseling, etc.). any other mother who was told to do so and didn't comply would have seen the same results.

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Drug testing is an egregious violation of civil liberties and bodily integrity. But let's ignore that and look at why she had these conditions placed on her in the first place, why she's even in court. Because a portrait has been painted of her, by sensationalist media, as "out of control" because she shaved her head and goes partying with paris hilton and doesn't always wear panties, none of which has any bearing on whether she's fit to be a parent or not. We don't know anything about Britney Spears and shouldn't assume the picture the media paints for us is accurate - even if the courts do.


And now what everyone's talking about is how she's been out doing things today (after turning over the kids) instead of moping at home, and this proves she's a bad mother or something. Like, this is news?? Absolutely ghoulish.

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Okay...This is getting out of hand.


1) Yes she is a role model, she said as much in an interview a few years back. Young girls looked at her, and want to be like her. Charles Barkley said it best, "I am not a role model, but I recognize that young people see me as an example...The real role models should be their parents..." Now let's be honest...is she even being a role model to her kids. Don't be so quick to absolve her of responsibility.


2) Secondly, hell yes she lost her kids...she has a proven substance abuse problem, and she broke the rules of her custody agreement. This happens to normal people everyday...should she somehow be excused from it? (My sister went through this when she was much younger and stupider...and my parents had to take custody of my nephew for 3 months)The law is the law, and it's designed to protect the child not the moron parent.


3) K-fed has obviously demonstrated to the courts that he is a viable option as a parent. Otherwise he wouldn't have been given custody.


4) And this is common sense...YOU ARE IN THE PUBLIC EYE...which means, that the world is watching...including the Judge...


Have I mentioned she's a fucking moron yet? I am bothered by the fact that this is international news. Five men died in a fucking pipe yesterday...they had families...and their story came second behind this waste of oxygen.


This is such a sore subject for me...there are women finding cures for diseases, going into space, saving lives, writing legislation...and they're not getting the attention they deserve...and we're being force fed this nitwit.

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