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What Did You Do This Morning?

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okay, it won't be as fun as what you did last night, but what did you do this morning?


I checked the Bored, watched a documentary about spam I tivo'ed last night, I'm making this thread. And now I have to shower and get ready for my day of helping A-Holes at Target.

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i woke up at 6 50. put on some music, got dressed, went to school, painted, got on the best and now we're into the afternoon so if there was a 'what did you do this afternoon' thread i would tell you that i was on the wrong bus for 2 hours and now im home thinking bout making a veggie dog

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This threads gonna get a lot of "Yeah, I woke up, and then y'know... Ate. And stuff"


But not from me!


I woke up, turned my computer on and everything was silent, went on facebook.. Then I heard the bounce of my sisters bed start to pick up about 15 mins later. Yup, my sister and her boyfriend in the room above me were having themselves some sexy time! Not a cool thing to wake up to, so, I turned my stereo on to drown 'em out.



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haha the neighbours above us were having sexytime last night.


this morning, i woke up hours before my alarm went off (as usual), then i got out of bed at 7:30, had some cereal, internetted until 8, then i showered, got dressed, did my makeup then my hair, stuffed a bunch of stuff into my purse and went to brit lit, then went to south keys for some groceries and a new dress and then i went home and had soup. that is my day so far. now i'm on the phone with my mom and sister (3-way) and soon i am going to get my eyebrows waxed.

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This threads gonna get a lot of "Yeah, I woke up, and then y'know... Ate. And stuff"

That's all I do in the morning, I'm not much of a morning person, so I don't even eat until lunchtime. Usually I just veg out on the computer for awhile.



As for all the family members.. um... stories... The first time I went to stay at my brother's apartment, His computer is in his room and we play alot of games and stuff... I was informed that I could do whatever I wanted, but I was not allowed to look in a particular drawer because it had toys in it ;)



I didn't find it that disturbing coz... yeah, I'll not get into that one. The next time I went over in the course of the weekend I noticed they forgot to put a few things away though.


"What's that?" "a... umm.. it's a bingo dobber!"

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That's all I do in the morning, I'm not much of a morning person, so I don't even eat until lunchtime. Usually I just veg out on the computer for awhile.



As for all the family members.. um... stories... The first time I went to stay at my brother's apartment, His computer is in his room and we play alot of games and stuff... I was informed that I could do whatever I wanted, but I was not allowed to look in a particular drawer because it had toys in it ;)



I didn't find it that disturbing coz... yeah, I'll not get into that one. The next time I went over in the course of the weekend I noticed they forgot to put a few things away though.


"What's that?" "a... umm.. it's a bingo dobber!"

No where near as awkward as my story...I'm still scared for life. Most of you probably have heard it before, 300lb guy as a room mate in College...JTB walked by his room, and he say TV Convert, Big Blue something, VCR Converter...


The rest is history...I still have pictures for proof

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*sigh* fine I'll recall the whole incident.


His name, Corey Jackson, oh yes I'm not afraid of telling people his name or his *shudder* room full...off sex toys and pornography. Such things included a drawer full of dildos, including a double ended, and butt plugs. Another drawer & box full of porno movies, mostly transvestite and a couple bestiality vids....disturbing. Oh and this kid had ADHD, weighed something like 400lb, 300 was a generous description before, and was super talkative and extremely annoying. He was also the biggest slob ever, I'll post pictures later on tonight for all to see...


We broke into his room after the initial discovery of, nicknamed, Big Blue (we never did find that one...figure it was his travelling dildo...). We broke in a few times, with bags tied around our hands, and constant wearing of shoes...it was a disaster in there...and we hadn't done anything yet. Under his bed we managed to find, using a pair of tongs...heh....3 blow up dolls, two of which were transvestites and one that was called...Fatty Patty. Also we found a thing that your supposed to wear that tightens around the balls? I dunno...needless to say we were thoroughly disturbed, to the point where we had to share this with everyone we knew...


This brings us to the Touring of Corey Jacksons Room. We horrified many, and I even went back to that old room to warn the guy that was currently living there...they never changed the mattress, or anything for that matter, and it had a spring popping out of it from his massive weight. I couldn't tell him anything, he was already moved in and looked fairly set up...he was too nice of a guy, just couldn't horrify him with that kind of news knowing that he likely couldn't move out of that room even if he wanted to. Poor kid.


If anyone's wondering...if you go to Algonquin College here in Ottawa and live on the Residence...room 1036 Bathroom side was his room...mine was Kitchen side. Beware.



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Me neither and I have a feeling I don't want to know.

Yeah...Getting that feeling too... like the time I didn't know why this guy's nickname was 'pony boy' (In my defense, I was a very sheltered 13 year old)


EDIT: Oh dear god... where did this thread go wrong? (Actually, that could have been my fault)


And you win for having the worst story.

Edited by spring90
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hah, that was a while go, in slovenia... I didn't do too well, i won my first fight, then lost my 2nd and got eliminated. Guess im not ready for the world stage ;)

I got in a fight with my instructor at the beginning of the summer though, and havent trained since


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