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Riddle Me This, Batman

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To know who I am

is to know I'm real

To delusional men

I'm not a big deal


Experienced by all

Known only in part

By all involved

Of which I am a part.


To know who I am

you need your senses

A bitch to he

Who denies my presence.


To know who I am

One mustn't stall

To know who I am

For he who does

Knows not at all

The pain I'll cause

To he who breaks

My first law.


To know who I am

One cannot lie

For I am the one

You must identify

To know who I am



Who am I?

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A man walks up to you and says - "everything I say to you is a lie." Is he telling you the truth or is he lying?

He's lying on account of the fact that the logical converse of "Everything I say is a lie" isn't "Everything I say is true" but rather "Some of the things I say are a lie". Hence the contradiction this calls on, that if he is lying then the converse cannot be true either is mitigated, and both statements are correct.


That's my theory anyway.

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What is larger than the universe,

More evil than the devil,

Poor people have lots of it,

Rich people need it,

And if you eat it, you will die?


We have a bunch of riddle/mystery/brain teaser books around the house so I'll probably be able to get a few more...

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What is larger than the universe,

More evil than the devil,

Poor people have lots of it,

Rich people need it,

And if you eat it, you will die?


We have a bunch of riddle/mystery/brain teaser books around the house so I'll probably be able to get a few more...

Nothing? Yeah it's nothing.


My original answer was going to be a "time sandwich". Didn't apply to everything, though

Edited by heyrabbit
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To know who I am

is to know I'm real

To delusional men

I'm not a big deal


Experienced by all

Known only in part

By all involved

Of which I am a part.


To know who I am

you need your senses

A bitch to he

Who denies my presence.


To know who I am

One mustn't stall

To know who I am

For he who does

Knows not at all

The pain I'll cause

To he who breaks

My first law.


To know who I am

One cannot lie

For I am the one

You must identify

To know who I am



Who am I?


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What can run but never walks?

Has a mouth but never talks?

Has a bed but never sleeps?

Has a head but never weeps?


Edit: and Shade, is it God? I kept thinking that that was too obvious, but the whole "you must know every part" thing makes sense if you think of God as the Holy Trinity (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit).

Edited by Prometheon
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Edit: and Shade, is it God? I kept thinking that that was too obvious, but the whole "you must know every part" thing makes sense if you think of God as the Holy Trinity (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit).

Which riddle are you referring to?




Azalroth is right, although I prefer the word "existence".

Edited by heyrabbit
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Heh srry rabbit. I was referring to yours. I guess I wasn't paying much attention to user names.


Charles: A river is correct! Here's another one (a personal favourite):


Though I have no color

I am sometimes white

And you can't avoid me

Though try as you might

I'm useful for hiding things

No one can see

And rarely, if ever

Does good come from me.


What am I?

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The two I solved so far were easy enough. I'd rather use my brain than cheat.


What do you always have plenty of that always runs out?

You learn to tell it, but it doesn't listen

Sometimes it's on your side, sometimes you work against it

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The two I solved so far were easy enough. I'd rather use my brain than cheat.


What do you always have plenty of that always runs out?

You learn to tell it, but it doesn't listen

Sometimes it's on your side, sometimes you work against it



What comes at night without being fetched

And is gone at day without being stolen?

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