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Ontario Provincial Election - Who Will Ya Vote 4?

Ontario Provincial Election - Who will ya vote 4?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Ontario Provincial Election - Who will ya vote 4?

    • Dalton McGuinty
    • John Tory
    • Howard Hampton
    • Green Party (forget who's running 4 them)
    • other

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hmmm... Bob Rae and the NDP destroyed ontario, Mike Harris finished the job, and McGuinty a smug little weasel, but if I lived in Ontario, I'd have to go with McGuinty. And go MMP, except I kinda want it to lose so that BC can be first when we pass STV this time in 2009.

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Let's see, my options are collectivist, collectivist, collectivist, or collectivist. I choose...collectivist.



It's a fuckin' sad system when my best option is the libertarian party, and they are a fringe party. I hate to say but I'll vote for tory ( and he wants to INCREASE funding for religious schools)


P.S. How exactly did Mike Harris "finish the job"?

Edited by heyrabbit
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