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Why Combining 2 Last Names After Marriage Is Dumb!

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We all probably people who have been married (mostly women) who have kept their last name & added their husband's name to it (ie: Suzy Smith-Jackson) instead of just taking the man's last name.


While its nice to have this gender-equality in marriage, having 2 last names is a really dumb idea & will destroy society as we know it. Why? Here's an example:


Suzy Smith marries Todd Jackson. Instead of Suzy Smith becoming Suzy Jackson (as is tradition) she decides to combine the names & is now known as "Suzy Smith-Jackson". Then Suzy & Todd have a daughter, and her name is Laura Smith-Jackson. Laura grows up & marries Johnny Goldman-Bernstein. Now Laura's name is Laura Smith-Jackson-Goldman-Bernstein!


If this trend continues & their son or daughter gets married, they could have a grandson named Henry Smith-Jackson-Goldman-Bernstein-DeNiro-Pacino-Gonzalez-Machado.


Obviously names won't go that far, because at some point brides will probably apt to take their husband's name or keep their own name instead of combining them. So why not just start night now AND STOP COMBINING LAST NAMES PLEASE!!

Edited by Moonlight_Graham
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men aren't raised with the same conventions as women. of course ou don't understand changing your name, you'll never be faced with the option (let alone have it expected of you).

True to a point - I most certainly could be faced with the option - but putting social expectations aside, I don't understand the psychology that goes into a decision to change one's last name for a husband. Especially considering that every marriage ends, eventually.

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there's not much psychology. when you marry someone you join their family, and taking their last name shows that.


and if your husband dies, the marriage and your relationship doesn't end. that's what love is.


i really don't see how taking someone's last name when you get married is a rights thing. it's not ownership.

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It should be either forbidden or automatic because this whole choice thing is confusing...sometimes people call me Mr.{insert wife's last name} thinking she took my name which she didn't...and I already have two last names so I wasn't going to take hers...


And how in the world are we going to name our first kid? Three last names???


Every human being in the world should only have one last name...isn't that enough?


I agree with Meg that you join in the family but then what happens to people who already have both their parents' last names?

Edited by Prosis
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there's not much psychology. when you marry someone you join their family, and taking their last name shows that.


and if your husband dies, the marriage and your relationship doesn't end. that's what love is.


i really don't see how taking someone's last name when you get married is a rights thing. it's not ownership.

remember when women weren't people? me neither, but i'm sure i heard that somewhere. i can see how it is a 'rights thing', and how it's probably a vestige of when it was an ownership thing, as in "i married her, so she's mine."

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This may be oldfashioned...but it's supposed to be an honor when the person you love takes your name, and a sign of welcome to that person, into your family.


Meg asks a valid question..my answer is...it's the bride's choice...she can keep her name or she can change...adding more names on top a hyphenated name...is just silly.


It's not a question of ownership, women aren't cattle, it's not a bloody brand. Anyone who thinks this way is a nipplehead.

Edited by bishopx
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And how is marriage seen within Jewish people, is there any way gay marriage could exist at some point? Because here, catholic homosexuals can marry.


Since you're up for a name change, come to Canada, marry Meg lol ;)


Or maybe Israel would legalize civil gay marriage?

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This isn't just about naming people-- it's how every word and concept is named. New York, New York. Toronto, Ontario. This is the genus differentia mode of word formation. It's just useful to describe oneself in terms of a first name and a last last name, which is why virtually every culture in the world has adopted this way of naming.


You wouldn't call yourself Taylor Meg, or Smith-Taylor-Jones Meg. etc Your name has to be condensed, and it just so happens that that our culture has decided that you adopt the name of the husband.



If you don't like it, take the woman's name, or name yourself and shut-up. My sister kept her last name when she got married.

Edited by heyrabbit
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there's not much psychology. when you marry someone you join their family, and taking their last name shows that.


and if your husband dies, the marriage and your relationship doesn't end. that's what love is.


i really don't see how taking someone's last name when you get married is a rights thing. it's not ownership.


Statistically, most marriages will end before one of the spouses dies. But I'm pretty sure dead people can't have relationships.

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