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Battlestar Galactica Season 4

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Don't hate Sci-fi because of the writer's strike. That's the main reason we have to wait so long. They filming of the final episode finished within the last month, or couple of weeks, so it's not as if Sci-fi has the episodes sitting in a case somewhere, guarded by Centurions.


If you look at other shows, most of them had shortened seasons this year, having a number of episodes from the initial order cut. However we are getting all 22 (technically Razor is included in the episode order for this season) episodes, with the added bonus of there being a number of extra-long episodes.


This is actually one of the nicest things that Sci-fi has actually ever done, given their propensity of saying "fuck you" to fans.

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I've recently quit smoking and goddamn, the BSG withdrawal is damn near as bad as the nicotine withdrawal. Thankfully I've got an internet connection that at one time may or may not have enabled someone that may or may not be me to download all Battlestar episodes and burn them to DVD.

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I feel your pain Dan. Now I understand, why Amy Winehouse is so fucked up, BSG is like crack, and I'm a twitchin and a bitchin.


The way I see it, these last episodes will be the most watched in SCIFI history.


Also, I got me BSG the old fashioned way, I purchased it...I'm not saying I may not have the bandwidth to not have done, what you may not have done, for Episodes of Quantum Leap...but I'm sure you understand.

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As soon as I have the cash I'm buying the Battlestar DVDs, 'cos I'm a sucker for collecting shows that I love. Used to have the Complete Joss Whedon set (Buffy, Firefly, Angel) and a fair amount of other shows on DVD but then I sold them for "moving to B.C." money. Found out the day I was supposed to leave for B.C. that it was a no longer a go. I miss my DVDs. ;)

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