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I find that fact really suspicious. Cops are trained to go for a kill shot if necessary. So with 5 or so shots I'd be: "Okay maybe the cop genuinely thought he was a treat." But 20? Come ON! They're using fucking semi automatic pistols. That means at least two or three cops were shooting him. That or the one reloaded and then shot the body some more.

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Also, he was armed...With a hairbrush. Somewhere during the shooting they (cops) should have noticed, "Hey it isn't a gun, it's a comb." But no. Relentless firing squad.

Edited by Doormat
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If some guy told me the object hidden under his shirt was a gun adn that he intended to harm me with it, I'd shoot him too. 20 shots is not excessive depending on the number of police involved. Was it dark? Hairbrush my ass, doesn't matter what it was. Perception is everything


Always aim for center mass when your very life hangs in the balance. Police officers have shot children who aimed cap guns at them and I don't condemn them for that either. It is easy to judge when you're sitting comfortably at home and not in the dark facing a potentially unstable person who claims to be armed with a deadly weapon.

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If some guy told me the object hidden under his shirt was a gun adn that he intended to harm me with it, I'd shoot him too. 20 shots is not excessive depending on the number of police involved. Was it dark? Hairbrush my ass, doesn't matter what it was. Perception is everything


Always aim for center mass when your very life hangs in the balance. Police officers have shot children who aimed cap guns at them and I don't condemn them for that either. It is easy to judge when you're sitting comfortably at home and not in the dark facing a potentially unstable person who claims to be armed with a deadly weapon.

Agreed. Don't get me wrong, it's unfortunate what happened, but if you're claiming to have a gun and are threatening violence against anyone, then really, what do you expect to happen?


In regards to shooting him in the arm or the leg to disable him, it's not exactly prudent. If drugs are involved, many times an arm or leg shot is not going to be enough to drop an aggressive assailant.

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Ehh, 20 shots would be suspicious from one cop but I imagine the bullets add up from 3 or more.


Although, how long before someone claims it was racism? Maybe it was but seriously, after seeing drugged up people get shot 8 times and still walking forward with a knife, I'd have to say that depending on the circumstance (Kid's behaviour demeaner, etc), it probably appeared to be the prudent action.

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