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Interesting Links

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I figured this would be a helpful thing to have for everyone. Just post some of your most useful and interesting links that you think others will enjoy as well.


Here's a few to start you off:


www.circos.com - A site for finding information on restaurants/hotels (US only...so far)


TweakGuides.com - For the more advance computer users...this will help in tweaking/optimizing games/OSs


Few Video Sites:





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Downloading Youtube videos and converting almost any format. They do it all on their servers so you don't need to download shit. They then email you a link where you can download the file.


The downside is that it takes about an hour or so to do.

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Helpful sites to check out your .exe's


Helpful info on .exe files. http://exelib.com/







Provides a ton of info about Networking, malware infections ect.


Apps to download and try are widly available at



Edited by jtb
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