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If The "good Book" Was Released Today

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would it still be considered a "good book" if the Bible was released today to an unknowing, book buying public?


"the book starts out good, but the hero is killed halfway through, with the last chapter making little to no sense."


you get what I'm saying?

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If Christianity were not ingrained in much of culture, there would be no reason to accept the Bible as a new book, let alone a good one. People today would be too secularly-focused to accept Christianity as a new religion.


Although, you would have to make an exception if people had access to the Old Testament and just not the New Testament; it would make everything I just said null. People might be more likely to accept the ideas if there was a strong foundation in Judaism to this day.


If you're just talking about book content, on the other hand, I think that without a tie to religion and historical context, the Bible and its allegories make no sense as a literary work.


Besides, why would the Bible, citing Christ as the messiah, be released ~2000 years after his death? That makes it sound like the Bible is a science fiction novel of sorts.

Edited by decomposinglight
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