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Flight Of The Conchords

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Does anyone else love these guys as much as me??


If you haven't seen this show yet, I highly suggest you do so. You can rent it now too, it's definitely worth your time if you like quirky comedy and accents.


Youtube search "Flight of the Conchords" you won't regret it.

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Yeah, got into these guys when I was in New Zealand. Its sort of like Seinfeld, you can watch the episodes over and over and they're still hilarious!


I meant, it has the lasting appeal of seinfeld. Not that the show is at all similar.


Cant wait for the second season. Its a shame its not on till 09.

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I completely forgot that I set my Cell Phone to say "It's Business Time" every time I boot it up, 'cos I haven't turned it off in months. The other day I was at the bus station and turned it off 'cos it was being a little douche and when I turned it back on I started to howl with laughter.

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