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Want To Meet Matthew Good And Hear The Demos?

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Yeah, mine too. I've got to catch him live when he's next over here !


I think you'll have heard "So Alive" Jane, 'cos that's the only song I recognised of his; probably his biggest single here.


If you can get around it, I'd definitely recommend giving him a try - La Cienega Just Smiled is a good enough introduction...


But yeah, Love Is Hell's worth getting if you get the chance. ;)

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lol That's not exactly specific to Love Is Hell though.


But yeah, they're definitely in there. I've actually lost count of the amount of American references littered in his work lol. Although now you mention it, there's actually some English references in LIH 'cos he was meeting Beth Orton at the time, supposedly.


I just think it's his easily his most complete album. Start to finish brilliance - not many albums like that. Even it's highlights are some of the best he's written in his career. City Rain, City Streets, World War 24, Afraid Not Scared - nothing short of masterpieces.

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