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Calgary X929 Contest

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OKay so heres the deal as I understand it.

x929 is taking a couple bus loads of people up to Banff the weekend of Nov 8-9, and one night is a concert with Matt Good!!


One of those listen and win deals, anytime you hear a Matt Good song call in.


But as a curtousy no one on here is allowed to win until I do ;)


First major radio contest I give a damn about winning. Need to dig up my old portable radio lol

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It would be nice to see some real Matt Good fans win this contest instead of the people who are just in for the free weekend in Banff.

I hear you. It's going to be tough though. I called four times this afternoon during "Haven't Slept in Years" *before* Matt started singing. I couldn't get through. I hate these "be X caller to win" deals. It would be much better if you had to call and answer a question or something.

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I hear you. It's going to be tough though. I called four times this afternoon during "Haven't Slept in Years" *before* Matt started singing. I couldn't get through. I hate these "be X caller to win" deals. It would be much better if you had to call and answer a question or something.

That's what they did in Fredericton for the contest to go to the soundcheck/ meet and greet back in May. It was still crazy to get through, but by the evening most people had given up. Good luck to everyone who tries to get tickets! ;)


Just wanted to say hi, I'm a newbie to the site.

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Wild Bill's? Really?

It seemed that way at first. Now they say that the second "mystery gig" on Saturday night will be at Wild Bills, but there is no info yet on where Matt will play.


I hope, for the sake of the audience and the band, that the venue is NOT Wild Bills. If it turns out that way, I cannot wait to hear what quips Matt might have about the venue that evening.

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That's what they did in Fredericton for the contest to go to the soundcheck/ meet and greet back in May. It was still crazy to get through, but by the evening most people had given up. Good luck to everyone who tries to get tickets! ;)


Just wanted to say hi, I'm a newbie to the site.


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I hear you. It's going to be tough though. I called four times this afternoon during "Haven't Slept in Years" *before* Matt started singing. I couldn't get through. I hate these "be X caller to win" deals. It would be much better if you had to call and answer a question or something.

Hehehe I was dialing madly myself. But I only have a cell phone and there is that tinyest delay in the call going thru that's going to hurt me.


Hit the speed dial button after the first couple cords of Strange Days tonight and still got the "All circuts are busy BS"

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Hehehe I was dialing madly myself. But I only have a cell phone and there is that tinyest delay in the call going thru that's going to hurt me.


Hit the speed dial button after the first couple cords of Strange Days tonight and still got the "All circuts are busy BS"

All circuits are busy, please try again later.


I am hoping that as the weeks go by, they'll step up the quantity of songs played each day. Before this contest started, you could expect a minimum of 6 Matt Good songs on any given day. Today, they played Rico at 8:30, Haven't Slept in Years at 2:30, and Strange Days at 9pm.


But, we all have until October 24. Good luck! I hope at least one of us wins.

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I think we'd all agree that we'd like to see a fan get this rather than Jay Osborne's newest boyfriend.


So, in this spirit, I'd love to make a deal with someone. None of my friends are especially into MG. I took one to September's show at Jack Singer and he thought it was good, but wasn't excited, really.


I'd be more than happy to make a deal with someone to say that, hey, I'd rather go chill with a true MG fan for the weekend and see the concert with that person than go with someone who's just tagging along for the party.


Obviously, we're only working on the honour system here, but I'm a big fan of said system.


Let me know if you're interested.



P.S. It would be wonderful if you're a phr33ky young thang. Ha. I jest.

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I haven't... yet... I sure hope Telus doesn't charge me each time I try to call on my cell phone when I get "all circuts are busy" lol could've used up all my cell time really quickly heheh

If you get charged for that, then there is a serious error, since they couldn't connect your call at all. I recommend trying from a landline. When I call from the landline, I get a busy signal. Yesterday I was caller 6! So we're getting closer:)

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Yesterday I was caller 6!

Don't usually have access to a landline.

Caller 6! thats pretty sweet. Best I've gotten is ONE time my phone rang busy instead of "All circuts are busy now".


Whats worse is my phone usually rings once and then pauses before the "All circuts are busy" msg. Giving me that little ray of hope before getting SMACKED down hard lol




ARRGH they just played Matt Good and I was tyring to call madly on both my cell and my work phone (voip) the Voip phone started ringing and kept ringing for about 30 seconds. Each ring my hopes/excitment kept going up and up. and then the ringing just stopped. Did the VOIP provider cut me off cause it'd be ringing too much? (I tried recalling again and the call just wouldn't go thru) Regardless I'm uber bummed atm ;)

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Ahhhh for Everything is Automatic I was caller 6!!! Getting closer.


If you have access to a voip phone I think using that is the way to do it.


When I speed-dialed the number it didn't start to ring, didnt go busy just was silent until "You're caller 6 *Click*"


So what must've been happening is our VOIP provider is able to keep polling the busy number until an opening happens.



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