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So I want to play Final Fantasy on my PS2. Suggestions? Any games like that or any other jRPGs that are fun?


FFX or FFXII. Persona 4 is supposed to a great jrpg, gets a 92% on game-rankings.com. check that site out, its like meta-critic for games.


I like Guitar Hero World Tour. I usually just play guitar, and the GH controller and the way the notes are put on the screen are just way better than Rock Band. I agree the actually "band" play isn't as good as Rock Band, plus much less downloadable songs. But "Guitar Hero: Metallica" is coming out on March 29th. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dark Cloud 2 was good, a bit tedious but strangely addicting. It's also pretty hard now that I think about it. Well, the ending was hard. Goddamn!


I dunno, I don't think the argument about RE is unwarranted. To each his own.

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That video has some luck going... all of those VATS head shots are only 23% to hit.


I'm playing fallout 3 on PS3 right now. I really enjoy the game, but hate the fact that I apparently am to good to get any NPC's. I'm also bitter that I can't get the outcomes I want from certain scenarios (because they don't exist). Other than that, the world is actually pretty immersive, and there is lots of extra content you can get involved with. I also believe that some of the extra content is only available when you play the game a certain way.




I'm not dead.

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That video has some luck going... all of those VATS head shots are only 23% to hit.


I'm playing fallout 3 on PS3 right now. I really enjoy the game, but hate the fact that I apparently am to good to get any NPC's. I'm also bitter that I can't get the outcomes I want from certain scenarios (because they don't exist). Other than that, the world is actually pretty immersive, and there is lots of extra content you can get involved with. I also believe that some of the extra content is only available when you play the game a certain way.




I'm not dead.


It's so satisfying when your lowly Hunting Rifle, with a 40% chance to hit, criticals a Raider, exploding his head and sending an eyeball, complete with optic nerves, flying out at the screen :angry:.


PS Toadman, you can get a Dog regardless of karma status.


Also, the best companions can only be gotten with Good Karma.


I am a pathological thief in Fallout 3 and systematically rob towns blind upon entry. And I also murder merchants for money and items. There is a limit to how low your Karma can go, so now I'm neutral and have a robot/dog following me. ;)

Edited by Doormat
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With my Xbox broken, I've been in game limbo. I've been playing a lot of LittleBigPlanet and Heavenly Sword on my PS3, Chrono Trigger on my DS and some Harvey Birdman on my PSP.

Also, I have Fallout 3 on my 360 and it is VERY similar to Oblivion. It bothers me.

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It's so satisfying when your lowly Hunting Rifle, with a 40% chance to hit, criticals a Raider, exploding his head and sending an eyeball, complete with optic nerves, flying out at the screen :angry:.


PS Toadman, you can get a Dog regardless of karma status.


Also, the best companions can only be gotten with Good Karma.


I am a pathological thief in Fallout 3 and systematically rob towns blind upon entry. And I also murder merchants for money and items. There is a limit to how low your Karma can go, so now I'm neutral and have a robot/dog following me. ;)


I actually just found out all the companion options by the miracle of the internet. Yes you can get the dog, but you have to know where to find him. Sadly I never did. I just got Fawkes... I had Cross until the whole capture thing... then she took off with my weapons. There are is one other companion you can get regardless of karma too. I'm getting into the endgame quests. Sadly from reading seemingly benign information on companions I spoilt the ending for myself. Oh well, I'm going to play it out over the next few days. I would think about replaying the game, but I'm not sure if I want to play as a different Karma...

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Just found out about a game called Eternal Sonata. I'm gonna look into it (because I am starved for a new/decent RPG)...

I've heard VERY mixed reviews about it. If you're an RPG fan it is worth at least checking out.

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I am at nearly level 18 in Fallout 3, and I'm still early in the main story required quests. I'm still on "Scientific Pursuits". Done quite a few sidequests, have gotten some unique weapons (Lincoln's Repeater, Alien Blaster, The Terrible Shotgun, and one other, I think). I'm just having fun exploring and doing sidequests and the like. I'm playing as a good karma person, because even in games I can't be a total asshole.

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Yeah I'm maxed at lvl 20, have mostly all uniques in my inventory, and I haven't even done Scientific Pursuits :angry:.


The walls of almost all the Metro Stations are painted with bits of gore and blood though ;).

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Do you get random awesome cutscenes during fighting?



Didn't think so.



I just got to that part, swam across the river there and was surprised to have a rocket blow up next to me from a Super Mutant on the very spot I shot those people from (same spot in the vid). Needless to say I'm carrying a rocket launcher now heh.


Also...Dogmeat was a pain in my side, he got himself killed when I ran into a raider camp. He tasted good ;)

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Just found out about a game called Eternal Sonata. I'm gonna look into it (because I am starved for a new/decent RPG)...


We talked about this game a bit in this thread already. I'm playing through it right now on Xbox 360. It's a very charming JRPG. The graphics & music are gorgious. I'm very picky with my japanese RPG's. Most annoy because of random battles, but there's none in this game.


Its not the greatest RPG of all-time, but if you like JRPG's that have beautiful pre-rendered backgrounds (old-school final fantasy-style), nice music (with Chopin piano pieces mixed in), and a very original story then i'd give it a try. The battle system is pretty good too, though the game is kinda easy so far.


btw if u have the 360 i know there's a demo for it online.

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I just got to that part, swam across the river there and was surprised to have a rocket blow up next to me from a Super Mutant on the very spot I shot those people from (same spot in the vid). Needless to say I'm carrying a rocket launcher now heh.


Also...Dogmeat was a pain in my side, he got himself killed when I ran into a raider camp. He tasted good ;)


I never let Dogmeat die, it's easy to heal him in combat, as it pauses when you talk to him.


I've kept him alive against a Fire hydrant Behemoth (He was unconscious for most the time), and once against two Deathclaws at the same time while using my trusty Flamer.


I made the best kill the other today. Some raider on the top level of a Sat Com array was dodging my VATS shots from my Hunting Rifle. Finally I hit him in he head with a critical. Usually this results in a mere decapitation, but this time, his head explodes and his torso backflips off the railing and falls like 7 stories onto an oven, whereupon I shout, "DINNER'S SERVED BITCH!"


PS Finally all my guns, save my Fat Man, are unique. I have the unique fat man, but it's VERY impractical, though very hilarious.

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I might get lazy and use a guide for the uniques that I need. I have the Bloody Mess perk, so I get lots of exploding bodies, it's pretty ridiculous to see.


Also, LOL@Tranquility Lane. Even though I'm playing as a "good" character, it was far too fun to do that quest the evil way. Far too fun.

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