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I actually supported the Iraq invasion at the time

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The money that's been spent to 'help' the Iraqi people could have sent me to college 50,000 times, probably more. It could have provided starving children, in America and everywhere else, with food. It could have single handedly wiped out the lack-of-teachers problem. It could have helped the AIDs issue more than any of us can imagine. As it is, the Iraqi people are still having big problems with basic things such as electricity, clean water, food. And my president is thinks that we're helping them. I'm ashamed of whoever in my country put this man into power. I'm glad I get to vote this year.

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I agree with Christian: how many "powerful" countries supported USA in this illegal war? Great Britain and Spain + a bunch of other small and almost poor countries? C'mon, Bush promised economical compensation to these countries just as a prize to support the war (I know a lot about it because unfortunately my ex-president with 95% of the spanish population against supported this illegal war in exchange of some scandalous compensations that we have learned afterwards and that make me feel ashamed of my country having participated in such a shameful action...


it was a unilatelly action, against most countries population (again, 95% of the spanish population against)


IT WAS AN ILLEGAL WAR, and see the consequences, see how the situation has "improved" (as Bush stated)... sad, simply sad...


money makes the world selfish and greedy


(http://www.granma.cu/espanol/manifestaciones/madrid.html = for you to see different pictures of demonstrations all around the world against the invasion in Irak)


Edited by juanpe
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Bizarre and perhaps prophetic little poem by Allen Ginsberg. I think it can apply to the current conflict...


A lion met America

in the road

they stared at each other

two figures on the crossroads in the desert.


America screamed

The lion roared

They leaped at each other

America desperate to win

Fighting with bombs, flamethrowers,

knives forks submarines.


The lion ate America, bit off her head

and loped off to the golden hills

that's all there is to say

about America, except

that now she's

lionshit all over the desert.

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everybody should fear terrorism, not only coming from terrorist groups, but also state terrorism (like for example, what Bush is doing), terrorim coming from politicians, from governments, like the US government... that is ALSO terrorism, and even worse because they have all the power and military equipment to do it

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