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Pretty Much All Of My Mg Stuff Is Up For Grabs...

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mm...i think i'll bid on avalanche


friend of mine bought it at the massey hall full-band show and there was a second one, but i figured i'd be able to find it somewhere else pretty easily..not sure what i was thinking

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a nicer thing to do would be give the stuff to the biggest fans around rather than having to put them on e bay... no?


but whatever, it's your swag.



I won't argue with your logic. However, I have family who needs my help and I need cash to do that.


Thanks for inquiring regardless though.

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Thanks man.


Also, to any seriously interested parties. I have a second copy of Avalanche, also sealed. I will sell it for 150$ plus shipping. PM me about it.

If someone offers more than 150$, the highest offer will get it. However the payment can not be made by PayPal for this copy, money order only.. unless you have a really good case for PayPal, which we'll discuss privately.


I just hate eBay and PayPal.. but we live in a marketplace dictatorship.


...and juuust in case anyone doubts my claims:




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