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2009 Matthew Good (band) Elimination

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Round 1 D Results!


1) Black Helicopter vs. Black Helicopter (Massey Hall) vs. Black Helicopter (acoustic) 17-35-11* (really disappointed by the lack of love for the acoustic version)

2) Everything is Automatic vs. The Fall of Man 10-12 (a bit surprised from that one)

3) Strangest One of All vs. We're So Heavy 4-18

4) Single Explosion vs. She's In It For the Money 18-4

5) Bad Pennies vs. Alabama Motel Room 6-15*

6) Breath of a Nation vs. I Miss New Wave 2-20

7) Anti-Pop vs. Native Son 16-6

8) I, The Throw Away vs. 21st Century Living 6-16

9) Truffle Pigs vs. Truffle Pigs (rooms) 17-5


*denotes abstention


Round 1 E


1) Generation X-Wing vs. Generation X-Wing (rooms)

- Generation X-Wing (rooms) won this matchup in round 1 in 2005

- Generation X-Wing (rooms) lost in round 2 to Man of Action in 2005

- MY VOTE - i guess I gotta vote for at least one rooms song, so Generation X-Wing (rooms)


2) In a World Called Catastrophe vs. Man of Action

- Catastrophe lost in round 2 to Jenni's Song in 2005

- Man of Action lost to Avalanche in round 3 in 2005

- MY VOTE - Man of Action


3) Deep Six vs. The Vancouver National Anthem

- Deep Six lost in round 1 to While We Were Hunting Rabbits in 2005

- The Vancouver National Anthem did not exist in 2005



4) The Boy Come Home vs. The Future Is Rated

- The Boy Come Home did not exist in 2005

- The Future Is Rated lost in round 3 to Primetime Deliverance in 2005

- MY VOTE - The Boy Come Home


5) Running For Home vs. My Life As a Circus Clown

- Running For Home finished 13th overall in 2005, lost in round 4 to Primetime Deliverance

- Circus Clown lost to Look Happy, It's the End of the World in round 1 in 2005

- MY VOTE - Running For Home


6) Radio Bomb vs. The Devil's In Your Details

- Radio Bomb lost in round 1 to Put Out Your Lights in 2005

- Details did not exist in 2005

- MY VOTE - Radio Bomb


7) Giant vs. The Boy Who Could Explode

- Giant lost to The Workers Sing a Song of Mass Production in round 3 in 2005

- Boy Who Could Explode did not exist in 2005

- MY VOTE - Giant


8) 99% Of Us Is Failure vs. 99% Of Us Is Failure (live acoustic - iTunes)

- Neither song existed in 2005

- MY VOTE - album version


9) Haven't Slept in Years (LOTGA) vs. Haven't Slept In Years (Raygun)

- Raygun version won in round 1 in 2005

- lost to Sort of a Protest Song in round 2

- MY VOTE - Raygun


voting for this round open until Wednesday at noon.

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1) Generation X-Wing


2) Man of Action


3) Deep Six


4) The Boy Come Home


5) Running For Home


6) Radio Bomb


7) The Boy Who Could Explode


8) 99% Of Us Is Failure (album)


9) Haven't Slept In Years (Raygun)

Edited by Moonlight_Graham
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1. Rooms Version

2. Man of Action (actually never been that big of a fan of it, but not a big fan of Catastophe either)

3. Vancouver National Anthem (hard choice)

4. Future is X-Rated

5. Running for Home

6. Devil's in Your Details

7. Giant

8. Album Version

9. LOTGA version (easily)

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1) Generation X-Wing (rooms)

2) Man of Action

3) The Vancouver National Anthem

4) The Future Is X-Rated

5) Running For Home

6) Radio Bomb

7) Giant

8) 99% Of Us Is Failure (album)

9) Haven't Slept In Years (LOTGA)

Edited by johnerwin
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1. Generation X-Wing (Rooms)

2. Man of Action

3. The Vancouver National Anthem

4. The Future Is X-Rated

5. My Life As A Circus Clown

6. The Devil's In Your Details

7. Giant

8. 99% Of Us Is Failure

9. Haven't Slept In Years (LOTGA)

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Generation X-Wing

Man of Action

The Vancouver National Anthem

The Future is X-Rated

Running for Home

Radio Bomb

Fuck you for this matchup, I decided "The Boy Who Could Explode" by coin toss

99& of Us is Failure

Haven't Slept in Years (LOTGA, due to vocals being better)

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1) Generation X-Wing


2) Man of Action


3) The Vancouver National Anthem


4) The Future Is X Rated


5) Running For Home


6) Radio Bomb


7) Giant


8) 99% Of Us Is Failure


9) Haven't Slept In Years (Raygun)

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