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Global Warming: What Up With That?

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Hmmmm... who do you trust more, a massive panel of scientists who have devoted their lives to researching climate or Glenn Beck and the oil companies?


Swine flu was obviously a joke from the very beginning, it's almost like we want the next massive flu pandemic to strike so we can justify our concerns that one is coming.

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we all died from Swine Flu

and Y2K Virus

and Polio

and Al Gore



You know what's odd is that Al Gore learned about this from these scientist people. I think you might want to point your sarcasm that way, to those scientists with their education, years of study, and more knowledge of the climate than you, I, or even Al Gore have.


Also, that winter storm that those on Fox News were all going on about, actually makes sense from what I understand. I think it has to do with how the heat makes it so the snow will come down in a larger amount because it builds up there longer. The extreme on one end makes for an extreme on the other end. global warming is just the term it's known for.


But, I suppose, damn them liberal scientists and their thinking and suggesting that people do something that doesn't help them in the short run because we like things to get here fast...like our food.

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The thing about the various flu pandemics is that if they hadn't been treated so seriously they very easily could have been as bad as the media made it out to be. It's a really unfortunate situation for those working in disease control, because they're either viewed as a joke or a failure. With the masses of people deciding to abandon vaccines because they trust celebrities over scientists, I do not envy them the work they have ahead.

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The thing about the various flu pandemics is that if they hadn't been treated so seriously they very easily could have been as bad as the media made it out to be. It's a really unfortunate situation for those working in disease control, because they're either viewed as a joke or a failure. With the masses of people deciding to abandon vaccines because they trust celebrities over scientists, I do not envy them the work they have ahead.


good argument. though i still think they go a bit over the top on it. but i guess they fear if they dont they will get the blame if a pandemic actually happens. But maybe they should wait until something as serious as SARS occurs before dosing the whole country.

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good argument. though i still think they go a bit over the top on it. but i guess they fear if they dont they will get the blame if a pandemic actually happens. But maybe they should wait until something as serious as SARS occurs before dosing the whole country.


Oh, undoubtedly. Somehow scientists saying "Hey guys, this could be bad, we should try to stay ahead of the game so we don't get fucked over," turns into "You are going to DIE. And no god will save you," by the media. The people in that field actually do a fairly decent job, but media hype blows it all out of proportion.


It's like finding out there's going to be a dry season, and instead of being comforted because farmers reassure everybody there's enough food tucked away to get through it, some guy just immediately starts calling for cannibalism.

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