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Lo-fi B-sides

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Today I went to Value Village, and to my surprise found Lo-Fi B-Sides by Matthew Good Band for only $3. When I got home, I looked on Wikipedia and saw that it was supposedly worth $250. I could not believe what I was reading.

Does anyone else have this EP? How much do you think it's worth now? What should I do with it?

Better yet, has anyone found any Matthew Good (Band) rarities at thrift stores? What about rarities in general?

This is kind of interesting to me, as I've always hated thrift stores, but now have a whole new respect for them...

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You're never going to get more for it than you will right now, and you probably could have gotten substantially more for it five years ago. Part of the $250 value was that it had songs that weren't available elsewhere - that's no longer the case now that they're readily available on iTunes. (Same for Loser Anthems.) Frankly, I'd keep it.


BTW - would you be willing/able to scan the cover of the booklet? Every scan I've ever found has been either small or really blocky.

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Honda's right.


Until "In a coma" most of the tracks weren't even completely available. Now it's not as big of a deal.


"Lo-Fi B-Sides" is pretty much the only rarity. I don't think "Loser Anthems" is really that rare (except the blue one).


I almost got a hold of "Lo-Fi" about 4 years ago, the record store I was in told me that they had just sold one that they had in stock for the past couple of months... oh well.

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