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Guest Bimbly

Mgb Reunion: How Likely Is This?

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With Matt's recent (as of the past two months?) comments on George S about rekindling old friendships as life is too short, how long before MG and the B get back to their old ways? I know Matt's been upfront about his intentions in writing a poppier, or at least more accessible, album the next go around... and coupled with the aforementioned George S banter...


Maybe? No chance? Little chance? Big chance?

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I would guess not bloody likely. I don't think Dave has spoken to Matt since the recording of AoB, and I doubt he has intentions to. Also, he plays in 54:40 now.


I also get the feeling something big went down with he and Rich, so who knows if that's a possibility.


I think that if we saw and reincarnation of the MGB, it would be solely for live performance. I don't think Matt has the desire to do the whole "in a band" thing again, so I doubt we would see another album written and recorded as a band. He seems pretty content doing his solo stuff, which is what the original MGB was until everyone slapped a band label on it.


Who the hell knows. I could be wrong. I'm probably right. One thing's for sure, it would be awesome to see them reunite, if not just for the nostalgia factor.

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The band is GONE, it's no more. You guys need to accept that fact. I think Matthew is better off being his own person/artist rather than being some media monkey writing mediocre pop records again for the masses. I love his solo work, I know many people that do, but they always lean toward MGB rather than the man himself which is such a shame. I want all MG(B) fans out there to ask themselves this: Do I really want Matt to be a part of a band again? and if so Will it be as good as it was before? People tend to get caught up in their own nostalgia and memories that it clouds their judgement of how bad/good the music really was. MGB was a good band, but that time is gone now. Matthew Good has released 5 amazing solo records, we should be grateful for the fact that he even decided to carry on making music after all that stress the band and record company was putting him under. I hope my opinion wasn't too harsh, you guys are probably going to give me the boot now for not being a part of the majority here who love MGB rather than MG.

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One of the great things about Matt is he wrote all of the MGB songs. He can perform them either solo or with a band as he sees fit. Would I like to see MGB reunite? Sure, but I don't think it will happen. As much as I would like to see MGB reunite I would rather see Matthew perform Beautiful Midnight or Audio Of Being in it's entirity. Hell I wouldn't mind seeing him perform any of the albums live in their entirity.

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This! Seeing AOB or BM in full would be awesome...I don't think the sound of the old songs has changed with different members, and it's not like the songs aren't being played. For me, it would be awesome to hear some of the old songs being broken out, regardless of "orginial" members playing them or not. Some of the pre-mgb would maybe more interesting.

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I say who cares? It's Matt who wrote it all and it's Matt who makes it awesome. Sure he's had some great band members in the past, but we still get to hear most of the songs live from all the albums. And as long as there's someone to fill in the other instruments, it usually sounds pretty much the same as it would if he re-united with the original band.

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Genn is credited as a co-writer on Underdogs, Beautiful Midnight and (I think) Audio of Being.


There IS a difference in songwriting between those records and his solo records. IMO.


I'm not saying Matt hasn't made good music since, or that he even needs the band. He obviously doesn't, that much is clear.


But I wouldn't marginalize the band's influence on his MGB work. That's not right. Yes Vance, Matt is the integral member; without him there is no MGB, but I wouldn't be so quick to deny the others their due in the equation.


It's like Neil Young with or without Crazy Horse. Both are awesome, just for different reasons.

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I'd also like to add that Geoff as unfortunately passed away so a reunion is impossible. If you want just Dave back (and Milos or whomever on bass) then no it's still unlikely and I''d prefer Stu back over Dave in terms of playing ability (that a word?). Though I guess it would be fun for retro sake to ave a tour withh Dave and Ian & Matt

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Might mean more money for festival dates.


Now, that I don't know... but Tea Party are back together. I Mother Earth (circa post Edwin) are back together. Who else? Is that it? OK, not as compelling on second thought. No matter. Our Lady Peace never went away but they died with the advent of Y2K in my heart. Thrush Hermit did a reunion tour couple of years ago, even though Plaskett is more successful solo than they were as a band. Sloan is still making it happen. Oh, Big Sugar is back together. It's the age of reconciliation.


I've seen Matt "solo" a few times and he was great. I was too young to see MGB play back in the day. That's unfinished business, baby.


Maybe MG doesn't need the B because of name recognition.

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the band was offered crazy money* in 2001, to do one last show together and the deal was signed... then 9/11 happened and it was never revisited. money talks... its just that i don't think there is any one promoter out there who thinks that they could get their money back based on what it would cost.



*by crazy money i mean six figures, which was more than double what they were being paid at their pinnacle for a live show and about 5-6x what the going rate is now to book matt at a show in a metro area.

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Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the info.


I'm guessing about, or just under, 150 000. That's a helluva lot for a one off. But that was when they were still near the top.


I can't imagine they'd look for that much now... IF they were interested.

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its even more, considering that the figure was exclusive of the cost of production, which isn't usually the case (meaning the band would earn the 6 figures just for showing up). the booking fee is typically all inclusive, so whats left over after the band pays the crew and all of the equipment, transportation/accommodation, etc. is what they keep for themselves.


since then, both dave and matt have achieved significant personal success, and considering they still haven't reconciled, you shouldn't be surprised to think that they would indeed negotiate for a ton of cash if presented with the offer. however, this takes me back to my original point: there is no promoter out there willing to pay the kind of money that it would take to get them on stage for a reunion show, because it wouldn't be THAT big of a draw.

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Interesting stuff. I didn't realize that IAWCC was such a success. I would have thought Weapon got more widespread play, but then I'm in America and I don't hear any of these songs on the radio. I'm not sure how big the Matt Good fanbase is these days but I get what he's saying about how a reunion would probably not be selling out arenas to a mass audience, and hence is probably not worth everybody's time to begin with. Obviously the hardcore fans would love it, but I'm sure we'll get along just fine with Matt Good solo tours.

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Hey MG, do you look back on your heavier material with some embarrassment or as just another facet of you, ie, something you were into at one point.


I guess the mid point of Weapon is pretty heavy, but I saw your "wish list track list" for Audio Of Being, and it basically cut out Carmelina and Fall Of Man, two of your "heaviest" (guitar) tracks. I remember at the time of Audio's release you were talking up the Deftones (Knife Party). Is that kind of sound a product of the others influence, or a sound you personally wanted to explore? I also remember, I think anywho, that they were played prior to the album's release live, so maybe they were meant for rock radio circa 2001.

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