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Mira Aleta

Table Of Twelve

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One of my favourite things to ponder, is:  who has influenced me, in the course of my life.  So when I heard about the "Table of Twelve" concept, I jumped aboard.


What is it? 

Essentially it's the twelve people, alive or dead, who you would most like to share a dinner gathering with (all at once).  This can include people who inspire you, make you laugh or those you would just like to meet and share some food and conversation with.  Some of these people are likely friends and/or family, which is understandable.  For the sake of this forum though, I propose only using easily identifiable public personae.


Anyone care to share?


Here's my current list:

1-Matthew Good (betcha coulda guessed that one!)

2-Naomi Klein

3-Noam Chomsky

4-Peter Joseph

5-David Suzuki

6-Siddartha (The Buddha, before his enlightenment)

7-Haruki Murakami

8-Tom Robbins

9-Emma Goldman

10-Kalle Lasn

11-Jeremy Scahill

12-Paolo Bacigalupi

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This is a really cool concept!


1 - Matthew Good (shocker!)

2 - Richard Dawkins

3- Charles Darwin

4-Galileo Galilei 

5- William Shakespeare

6- Jim Morrison

7-Kurt Vonnegut

8-Thomas Jefferson

9-Nikola Tesla

10- Emperor Trajan

11-Jesus Christ

12- Bill Maher


I love your list!

I have Tesla's autobiography on my bookshelf, ditto for Vonnegut.  The only one I don't easily recognise is Emperor Trajan...I have some research to do!

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I love your list!

I have Tesla's autobiography on my bookshelf, ditto for Vonnegut.  The only one I don't easily recognise is Emperor Trajan...I have some research to do!

 There's a great documentary on Tesla on Netflix as well ...I think it's called Master of Lightning. 


Trajan is one of the least "sexy" emperors out there, but got the most done. One of those relatively (for Rome) uncontroversial reformers and builders that did a whole shit ton that people forget about among madmen, swindlers, warlords, and incestuous relationships.

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My list is not as sophisticated as yours. I'm more in tune with health and fitness stuff.


-David Suzuki

(I was watching The Nature of Things today. It was about insight into David Suzuki on his 80th birthday. It was interesting. Episode: http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episodes/suzuki80 )

-Matthew Good

-Pamela Anderson (intrigued by her vegan lifestyle and compassion for animals)

-Ellen Degeneres (intrigued by her vegan lifestyle)

-Shailene Woodley

-Oprah Winfrey

-Heidi & Chris Powell

-Tony Horton

-Shaun T

-Jeff Buckley

-Jesus Christ

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 There's a great documentary on Tesla on Netflix as well ...I think it's called Master of Lightning. 


Trajan is one of the least "sexy" emperors out there, but got the most done. One of those relatively (for Rome) uncontroversial reformers and builders that did a whole shit ton that people forget about among madmen, swindlers, warlords, and incestuous relationships.


You must have a background in history to have become aware of such an unsexy emperor.  Sounds like he was an important guy, for sure!


My list is not as sophisticated as yours. I'm more in tune with health and fitness stuff.


-David Suzuki

(I was watching The Nature of Things today. It was about insight into David Suzuki on his 80th birthday. It was interesting. Episode: http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episodes/suzuki80 )

-Matthew Good

-Pamela Anderson (intrigued by her vegan lifestyle and compassion for animals)

-Ellen Degeneres (intrigued by her vegan lifestyle)

-Shailene Woodley

-Oprah Winfrey

-Heidi & Chris Powell

-Tony Horton

-Shaun T

-Jeff Buckley

-Jesus Christ


I like your list!  It's both interesting as well as gratifying to see who inspires others.  I learn from the lists of others, and open my life to new ideas and experiences:  isn't this what living is all about?


Thanks so much for sharing!

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You must have a background in history to have become aware of such an unsexy emperor.  Sounds like he was an important guy, for sure!



I like your list!  It's both interesting as well as gratifying to see who inspires others.  I learn from the lists of others, and open my life to new ideas and experiences:  isn't this what living is all about?


Thanks so much for sharing!

Haha, yeah. History teacher. Trajan rules .... ba dum chh

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