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More US Tour Stuff

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I got your attention with the "Guess who I saw in DC last week" thing, huh?


I actually saw Sam Roberts in DC last week. Funny how someone who really just debuted in Canada can get such reviews in DC. They've had a lot of help from the Tragically Hip, yes. But Matt Good has been around for so long... How can playing in the US even begin to be an issue? Am I missing something? Is it really spite like all my friends say it is?


I mean, I don't necessarily like America either, but it hasn't stopped me from rocking here.


Edited to actually make sense.

Edited by kbernardp
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im down with new canadian artists playing in america, if that is the issue you were trying to address (i don't know exactly what it is you're talking about haha).

i do think canadian artists who then 'become american' are losers. lots of artists/groups say they are canadian with pride, others don't... i thik the latter ned a kick in the pants.

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He has no fan base in the U.S. and he doesn't like the idea of being Americanized like all the other bands who have had success in the States... they all become States huggers and lose some Canadian pride... it's unfortunate, but atleast it always happens to the bands with no talent (Nickelback, Avril, etc.)

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So what you're telling me is that Canada has such a fragile sense of pride that just playing music in the United States could jeopardize that?


Or are you saying that Canada has such a huge sense of pride that you eat, drink, shit, and bleed the maple leaf? (In other words, Canada is Buffalo?)


Now I'm confused.

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It's like this: MG could satisy the thousands who might like him in the states or he could support hundreds of thousands of those in his homeland who have supported him for so long and have never judged him and categorized him like most of the Americans who never gave him a chance.


Now, yes there should be some American concerts for those who enjoy Matt's music and live in the states... but Matt likes to focus his work in Canada, rightfully so....

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Indeed, I'm just saying that Canada has priority and as well it should, so if some tours get cancelled here and there and Matt doesn't decide to do such a thorough tour then don't sit back and be like, "wtf, he's spiteing us" because all he's doing is getting his priorities straight... anyways... i think he should tour the states more often... but I'm just saying that's probably his thinking or something.

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It's all about exposure.


Please don't misunderstand me here. I love the guy's music. I just don't think that he has the patience to try to garner an American fanbase. I think that he has a jaded opinion of what the American people are like because of how he filters what he sees and reads. In the past I've noticed that when Matt feels that he's not being liked or appreciated, he "cuts off his nose to spite his face." He likes to be in control of what he gives to people...


I don't know why, in his opinion, the United States isn't worthy of his effort. If he's so confident about his message, then he should close his eyes and go for it balls-to-the-wall. It's just too bad the man doesn't believe in himself as much as his fans do.

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kbernardp ..... your avatar is freaking the shit out of me.


Secondly, almost all of you guys are making bullshit generalizations about the people who live in the states. I mean, yeah, a lot of people here like shit music and wouldn't know a good songs if it bit them in the ass,....but isn't the same thing true in Canada? And at the same time, a lot of Canadians do appreciate great music and ant to support it, so don't you reckon the same is probably true in the states? Just because our government has taken it upon itself to fuck over the whole world, that doesn't make the people all that different for anybody else. (not sure if that last bit makes sense, it does in my head though).

Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you guys are saying, but, well, that was just my opinion.

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Sammy - pick up your shit. Don't let my avatar scare you.


I'm American. I'm a Matthew Good fan. I know a number of people around here who are. More than you'd think. I feel like he's denying his live performances to America because he can, and that's all.

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I'm not even sure what your ranting about... I know that Matt didn't really enjoy the BM tour in the states, and prefers to play smaller Canadian cities. I understand that you would like him to play American shows, but when he has no CD's out there, and his last tour was mediocre, why would he bother.


I really got nothing. I get the privalage of seeing a MG show maybe once every year. This year will be the first time he has come to near me twice in the same year.



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