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Mg(b) Posters

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How hard is it to find MGB or MG posters where you live. Do you have any suggestions for places to check out? I haven't been able to see any posters at any music stores that I've been to. I'd love to have some for my room.

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I don't think that he's ever made posters for the mass market - most of the ones that people have are promotional posters from music stores, eBay, or friends at umusic. There's a nice avalanche one available at the mg store, and other than that, I would suggest checking eBay , and your local music store when he has a new album coming out.


Good Luck!


May I also suggest posting a wanted add in the marketplace?

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yeah most HMV stores had a huge matt good poster.. the size of like one's ceiling when avalanche came out and then when WLRRR came out.. but the jerks there wouldnt give either to me.. because employees have seniority... maybe i should get a job at hmv.. and then when a new cd comes out.. i can sneak some copies.. and everyone here at nf.com would be able to get matt's next album maybe a week or two in advance ;)

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Yah, it's impossible to find MG(band) posters... honestly, I went to my local music store and futureshop... nothing... just a bunch of OLP posters (which I bought for the sake of keeping a fire going on a cold stormy night ;)).

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yeah HMV are idiots. i was on the waiting list since the day i heard about the new CD [WLARRR] and they said id get it then i actually saw the poster they said id get it, then i went in one day and i wasn`t there.


but i already have two. and i`m crazy, and i have no life so I have a massive collage in my room with two posters that are framed. lets see if i can link this right... *hopes*




since that was taken ian and pats drums sticks have fallen. boo erns. ahh well.

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that's your room?! ridiculous. that's incredible. ...i thought i was a huge room=collage junky.


yikes. *bows down in reverence to the her superior*

haha i`m glad you like it i was rather worried people on here would start with the "omg...do you have a life"




;) :angry:

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OMG do you have a life! lol... naw, that's awesome... I have zero fucking posters of any MG stuff and I one time considered making my own before I realized that my creativity was permanently iradicated when I decided to watch T.V.

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