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Marketplace rules. Please read before posting!

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Rule #1: Don't sell fake stuff.

Rule #2: Don't sell illegal stuff. (Burned cds, pot, etc...)

Rule #3: Don't shill bid on your stuff. That means don't login on another account and post an offer on your item. We can tell if you're doing this.

Rule #4: Don't be cheap! If the user has put up a minimum asking price don't offer less than that.

Rule #5: Don't be rude! Don't say that an item is too expensive.


How to post:

When posting title your item accordingly. If you're looking for an item title it like so:

Want: Lo-fi B-sides


If you are selling an item title it like this:

Selling: Matthew Good Band - Audio of Being (Mint Condition)


In your post make sure to specify a minimum asking price or just let them make an offer. If you're buying ask for a price range or just let them make offers. You can also specify a buy now price.



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