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Strange Days Video...

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Weapon is an awesome video and directed by Mr Good himself... but personally I love the Apperations video... very well done...


I am very excited for the new video.. I liked the Alert Staus Red video... but it just didn't seem up to par with his other videos you know what I mean

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lol, Weapon video really isn't that great... unless you're a real diehard fan and you can slow it down on slowmo. or something... hehe... but the "panic" part and all that is cool. I still think Apparitions, Strange Days, and IAWCC videos are the best..... cause they tell a story with good scenes... (although IAWCC just has powerful scenes of Afghanistan and such.... hehe)

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yah and the whole phone sex thing helps.... "....your a saucy little monkey boy". lol, that's classic... the song is so simplistic too... despite the unbelievably ludicrous lyrics, you still know what the song is about... being that the future is x-rated and all... ;)

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I love the part in weapon where the camera keeps sliding left and then there is the guy at the ladder and the caption says:

"Jim is one of the many unsung heroes behind the scenes that helps make the video magic seen of your television possible. Without people like Jim, right now you would be watching another channel because this one would be blank. Then again, maybe this channel is "blank" and you should be watching something else. It's okay, we're pretty sure that Jim works on feature films as well, so he won't be out of a job if you did decide to grab you remote and give it a click"



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The Fall of Man.


The video take place in like a long underground tunnel, with torches as the lighting placed on the walls.. and like there's a cult or something in the background wearing cloaks and such, performing human sacrifices and such, while Matt and the band perform (the band would be oblivious to the cult and the cult would be oblivious to the band). The cult people would just be doing their thing. There would be people hanging from the ceiling of the tunnel.. and rats would be crawling over the floors.. and the parts when the song is slow (basically the verses) the camera is slowly moving around and everyone is fairly still.. not much movement.. or there is movement but it's slow. (like cult members wrapping nooses around people *who would have burlap bag to cover their heads*) And when the chorus kicks in heavy.. the band all kinda jumps and when their feet hit the ground is the point where the heavy stuff kicks in. and the camera begins moving quickly and shaky while the cult people are basically shoving the people off of their little stand.. and you see the bodies just swaying back and forth while everyone is causing a ruckuss.


And although the cinematography of Apparitions and Strange Days are so amazing.. I'd have to say Indestructible or Load Me Up is my favourite.

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