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The New Wlrrr Merch

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Its an affirmative on the pink stuff. I bought a gray zip up hoody with Matt Good written in pink on the front and my sister bought a pink boat-neck shirt with the Alert Status Red lyrics written on it. I'm not a huge fan of pink but I really liked the hoody and of course the girls' was pink. What is with people thinking all girls like pink!

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They do have some new merch, but nothing really jumped out at me. There was one with WLRRR album art, on a dark blue shirt ($35). And then the Put Out Your Lights Tour poster ($25) on the front on a white shirt with a target symbol on the back. I am pretty sure those are the prices, if not exact then at least a good ballpark figure.


My friend bought the pink shirt with lyrics and it is quite different. I would have liked to purchase the Matt Good grey hoodie, but for $50 I talked myself out of it. They also had some Avalanche material still there.


The poster with Matt on the escelator was there but not sure if any were available. Auf der Maur had some nice variety in her shirts too.

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Whoa, that was a big SNAFU...yeah, what I meant was the t-shirt had the POYL Poster (with the bomb and the airplane) on the front of the shirt. So it wasn't $25 for the poster, but the shirt with the poster art on it. There, that should be a little more clear.


The poster, with Matt on the escelator, was $5.

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This may be a stupid question but I'll ask anyways. When you bought your merch did you buy it after the show or before? I know I wouldn't want to buy anything before the show and hold it during the performance. On the other hand when do they pack up shop? Would it still be available afterwards? Last time you couldn't enter the venue and then exit and re enter. I'm assuming the same policy would be in affect if I wanted to buy something, run to the car and then come back.

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I haven't gotten them yet. I might not even be able to go because I have to play in a band concert that night. As collateral, I'm trying to win tickets off of 97, since most of my money is going towards my band trip during spring break. (I even got through, too late. Too bad they aren't doing a Studio 97. That would be excellent.) My parents are only letting me go if I can find someone to go with, and I don't know anyone else who likes him enough to go to spend $35 on a concert. My parents wouldn't even let me see the Arrogant Worms by myelf at the West End Cultural Center. gah...I was going to buy tickets the week they were on sale, but I'm a huge prcrastinator ;)

Edited by no yu begin wher i end
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