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Ok, more info. If you really want it, you need 30 posts to get it. After 30 posts you'll see the song. I'll take it down in a day or two so if it's gone it's gone. If you're still desperate by then just PM me.


But I suggest you just buy it off of PureTracks.com

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hey i'm new on this site and a long time MG fan. Being an american i can't get puretracks so i'm working on the 30 post rule, however can someone explain the logic of posting his songs on a candian only website? If the point is to build a bigger fan base, why restrict anyone from hearing his music? just curious thats all.

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I'm kind of glad that Matt's fan base is a quieter underground one.... As I said to a friend of mine (who was commenting on my avalanche hoodie) Matthew Good Fans ARE REALLY FANS OF MATTHEW GOOD. Most people that I know don't just sort of like him. It seems if you like him you really really like him.

I'm just lucky that my boyfriend likes him; I'm allowed to keep my Avalanche Tour poster on the wall in the front entrance. ;) ROCK!

Edited by LexyGirl
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I agree with you.

People who like Matt really like matt.

There are few people who say "he is okay"

Its either you like him or not.


Doesnt matter if you like him or not .. but hopefully most the people on NF like him.

Nothing is better than a website dedicated to an artist with members that actually like him.


**note: overuse of my "like him" is annoying ;)

Edited by danimal
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hahaha... yeah, overuse of "like him" in your message...


the good thing about such a forum is like most of us like him and are gonna talk about the feelings we get when we hear him, his music, his lyrics, his songs basically... and share it with the rest... it gives me the opportunity, being so far away as I am from you guys, to speak up - somehow - and express my opinion on it...


thanx for letting me be part of this fans group ;)

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kay, puretracks.com. is this wehre you can like prehear the cd or what?

and yeah, matt good doing country, sure does sound great. i think even my dad likes empty road!

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thank you danimal ;)


for me the forum is the only possible way I have to talk about Matt... as I say in another post, I knew about his music in a university trip to Vancouver, I couldnt assure that (we are 50 million people living in Spain) but I don't think there's anybody in Spain who knows who Matt is or MG as a band... and I don't have anybody to talk to about him!!! :angry:


that's why I like to participate in the forum so much and I appreciate the kinda "conversations" i can have with you guys here

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lol that book was great. but he is right, with society as it is right now we might as well be burning books. come on they wanted to burn harry potter...


offtopic: anyone notice how the media suddenly changed weapons of mass destruction into w.m.d.'s? sounds friendlier dosen't it? though they could kill us all.

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witch burning! its gunna happen again. Society is going down the shittah. look at what is happening in iraq with the rapings, im not sure if that is over, but that did happen and is quite sick.

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;) yeas, so dont be surprised if he starts doing this shortly :angry: it may suck cause i would burn just like hte lady they burned in the house in fahrenheit 451, if you ahvent read that book, do, its by ray bradbury.

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... by the way, if you have the chance, watch the movie ("Farenheit 451"), it is a pretty old movie, it could even look "old fashioned" with all the technological advances in movies nowadays, but its so current, it represents that idea of fascism, of human being control so well (the same i would recommend you "1984" by George Orwell, both the book and the movie)... both movies are in the Internet (since they are pretty old it's very difficult to get them on a video tape or DVD) and can be downloaded... but read the books too, they're great

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