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yes, well, i really hope they read this:




someone who would deserve to be taken to the International Court to be judged by his war crimes



Edited by juanpe
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well, then the CIA will have to come all the way to Spain to get me... and millions of people who think the same and who demonstrated in the Spanish streets against Bush, against Irak's war and against the American imperialist policy...





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there is not a clear anti-americanism in Spain (or in Europe), we have it very clear who we are kinda "fighting" against: against Bush and his administration, against his policy, against his unjustice, against his imperialism...


we are NOT against Americans, we are against Bush and that idea that the States is the "world's savior"

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what do u mean by the lil icon which says "off topic!"? that i should shut up talking about this because i'm not following the topic of the post? ;)


if this is what it means, yes, you are right... this is not what the post was posted for, i'm sorry :angry:

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No problem, with the growth of NF we just want to be more organized and therefore have no off topic areas. Its just easier to follow if there are specific areas for specific topics. Thanks, and we dont mean to be rude. :angry:



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I know, Danimal, i didn't understand it as being rude to me... it was just my fault ;) I get really excited and angry when I hear something related to Bush and Bush's stuff... sorry again

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well, i guess i may have helped make it go off topic, but this all still has to do with the song and the message Matthew Good (i think) is trying to put across in his music, and the song is his music. Good song.

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it has to do, u r right, because his words are so much socially explicit... but its true that i went off the topic a bit ;) in any case, if we just read "American for life", that discussion would come out again! :angry:

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Yo, I wanted to show you some stills from ASR that you might not have caught, they are flash framed... they only appear for 2 frames ( 1/15 of a second) so they appear as flickering.


Flash framing was used as a form of subliminal advertising. I doubt that is what these frames are for.







These are both thumbs (click them to get the full image)



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well, if they are taken from the Columbine shooting, it is just showing reality and the images are not gross or offensive... they just reflect a social problem in the States and in the world: violence in general, and at schools in particular... I am not against using such images to condemn a social problem

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I was a victim of a school shooting in Alberta, Canada just eight days after columbine...and to tell you the truth i don't feel offended at all about the Columbine images. I do believe that school violence is a social problem and that it could happen anywhere.

Haven't we all seen these images before on CNN? Why is it so different? Is it because someone is just trying to open the eyes and minds of society? Is it because the truth is being told and that society doesn't want to take the blame?

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Ya you still think about it everyday. Still have nightmares. But you must move on. I forgave the person who did it. I felt worse for him (and his brother who was a good friend of mine) then for myself and all the other students.

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