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Downloads And Nf Store

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Where are the downloads?

Downloads like videos, music, bootlegs, rare albums, and interviews are available in the NF Store. Each file can be downloaded in exchange for our website's currency, the NF$. You will need to make quality posts on the forums to earn NF$.

Posting for the sake of making NF$ will not be tolerated and is a bannable offense. Bans and the revocation of posting or NF Store privileges are at the discretion of the forum moderators. If you are banned, it is permanent.

What will I find in the NF Store?

You can find various rarities, live bootlegs, and unreleased songs in the NF Store. Some of which include the FULL Rodchester Kings album, BonTempo, +jackpillowhead, various demos, and more! If you see a song listed on our lyrics section that isn't available on CD. It is very likely in the NF Store.

Many of these songs are available exclusively to this website.

What are NF$?

NF$ are download credits acquired through making quality posts on the forums. Certain sections on the forums do not generate NF$.

How do I access the NF Store?

You must be a registered and validated member of the forums to access the NF Store. The store can be accessed through this link or the "Downloads" button on the top of the forums. Please note that users with no valid posts will be unable to access the NF Store! That means, you'll need at least 1 approved post to access the NF Store.

How many NF$ do I need to download something?

The amount varies from 5NF$ to 50NF$.

Have more questions?

Please read our forum rules and FAQ.

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