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A Waste Of Time?

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(CNN) -- Scientists have proposed a scheme to introduce a series of planetary parks on Mars that would see areas of the Red Planet transformed into conservation zones.


British microbiologist Charles Cockell and German astrobiologist Gerda Horneck argue that the environment of Earth's nearest planetary neighbor needs to be protected from human despoliation.


"It is the right of every person to stand and stare across the beautiful barrenness and desolation of the Martian surface without having to endure the eyesore of pieces of crashed spacecraft scattered across the landscape," they write in the latest edition of the Space Policy journal.


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As much as I appreciate conservation, this seems really out-there and pointless. Make me wonder what it is they pay these people for...

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Yeah that seems rather useless. Noone let alone civilians will be on mars in any of those scientists lifetimes. But as far as useless astrophysics studies go i am studying in taht field and there are worse than that which get funding.

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Space exploration is so 1960's.


With six billion people on a planet that is rapidly becoming a garbage dump, it baffles me that anybody cares about an environment that no human being has ever stepped foot on.


Those scientists should go for a walk and grab a fresh breath of car emission. Perhaps when they see the gutters are lined with McRubbish they will turn their attention elsewhere.

Edited by WinstonSmith357
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We should be working on preserving nature on our own planet before we start with some other planet that appears right now to have nothing compared to Earth.

We really need to clean up our environment. Less with the high sky dreams and more to the down to earth ones.

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Yes, we need to clean up Earth, but we also need to start exploring space as well. We're not going to be stuck on this planet forever, and if we are, we'll wipe ourselves our much sooner one way or another. Saturnine is quite right.

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It's a god-awful small affair

To the girl with the mousy hair

But her mummy is yelling "No"

And her daddy has told her to go

But her friend is nowhere to be seen

Now she walks

through her sunken dream

To the seat with the clearest view

And she's hooked to the silver screen

But the film is a saddening bore

For she's lived it

ten times or more

She could spit in the eyes of fools

As they ask her to focus on



Sailors fighting in the dance hall

Oh man!

Look at those cavemen go

It's the freakiest show

Take a look at the Lawman

Beating up the wrong guy

Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know

He's in the best selling show

Is there life on Mars?


It's on Amerika's tortured brow

That Mickey Mouse

has grown up a cow

Now the workers

have struck for fame

'Cause Lennon's on sale again

See the mice in their million hordes

From Ibeza to the Norfolk Broads

Rule Britannia is out of bounds

To my mother, my dog, and clowns

But the film is a saddening bore

'Cause I wrote it

ten times or more

It's about to be writ again

As I ask you to focus on




[Mind the phone]

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you guys think this is crazy? i should dig up that story on how the pentagon is researching teleportation. They're paying a bunch of weirdo's to find out if a soul is transferred with the body while it teleports. I saw it on CNN last month...


But yeah, Earth needs some loving before we go out to play.

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