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Dan #2

Is Nf Really Unique?

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Well, i've been thinking, NF is a really cool place to be, and it's rather unique, as far as my internet travels have seen.


I'm wondering, do other bands get cool sites like this? I mean, everyone get's a geocities fansite, but a really interactive site, where you can post and download and tease the mods, do you guys know of any other sites like NF, dedicated to other bands??

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there's a sweet fan run pearl jam board linked from theskyiscrape.com. And really thinking this place is unique when there are and have been dozens of similar MG pages/boards over the years is kind of funny. There are members on this board that I recognize from them (especially from the Metro, here obviously, like me, to get their MG fan ya ya's out without being persecuted over there.)

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Metro = just a message board. They used to have an MG section but it's gone now.

The board used to be pretty much the official MG board and went for a long long time as the defacto MG board. Most of us that post over there are still huge fans, were just far more jaded about it than you guys are.


That said I kinda like this board, y'all are so friendly ;)

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i like the store, wish the downloads were less than 40

i do agree. $40 is not unattainable, but it is steep. I would be nowhere without all these cool-cats that have helped me ;)

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I like NF. I've been on a lot of the MG boards over the years, but most turn v. mean-spirited v. quickly. This is the only one that I've really hung around on for a while. (and having the wonderful NF store certainly hasn't hurt that)

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