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Who Thinks "seriously Serious" Is Seriously Bad?

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If you're a huge fan of MG... I can't see you not liking this song... it's new and refreshing..... good vocals, lyrics, and instrumentation.


I dunno, I just think it's a refreshing tune.

If you're a huge Matthew Good fan, then you'll spread the wealth ;)

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Ok, I gotta say that I'm a huge MG fan and I also like Ryan Dahle as well but I think this song is just a clusterfuck and it pretty much sucks. I dont like it at all!!!!! That being said, I think the other song (Bomb Factory or whatever it may be called)sounded fantastic.

Bomb Factory? I'd like to hear this FUNK


where could i find it?

It was the video he had up a week or so ago with him and ryan doing a little home recording and producing, sounded like something off of "loser anthems"

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Well, I got the tranquilizers heated up just in case...


The song is weird, but I like it anyway. The lyrics are different from what we'd expect of Matt (judging from the 'WLR&RR' politically charged lyrics), so it's refreshing in that sense. Matt and Ryan harmonize quite well, so I can see great things in the future from these guys.

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Hey what happened to giving my unlimited $ for my greatest first post ever.


Yeah i know it was short and unnessisary, but.. I was tired and want the sweet sweet downloads!


Also I'm a huge MG fan, and loved the song. My girlfriend however, dislikes much Matt Good, probably because I play it so much, but she said she liked the song and was probably her favorite MG song. She liked the new album a lot as well, so maybe theres hope for her yet.

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i didn't think seriously serious was so bad. in fact, i kinda dug it. it's not his best work, but it's certainly not his worst. then again, i don't think i've heard a matt track that i didn't like. no, that's a lie. the hidden track on WLRRR is awful. the first time i heard it, i wanted to cry. i was so torn. like it because it's matt, or hate it because it's bad? but i decided, i can't lie to myself. i just can't stand that song. ;)

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I'm enjoying the actual music here, and the lyrics are pretty inventive. I love the song quite a bit so far. "Freeze it in the fridge, capture it alive" just tickes me to no end for some reason.

Edited by Jay
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I'm a huge Matthew Good fan, I just don't like this song - at all. This song is like a white canvas.....and instead of throwing paint on it they throw shit on it. Sure, it may look like art and it may even resemble similar stuff that Matthew Good has done by its shape.....but it's still shit, and no one can deny that.

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One of the biggest complaints I hear from people about Matt

Good is that he's too preachy, now he lets loose and has some fun, letting his sense of humour show in his music and people complain...can't win for trying I guess...

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but it's still shit, and no one can deny that.

what? that statemet is a totally pile of shit. Of course it can be denied. Whether or not you like it is a matter of opinion, but to state that EVERYONE must think it is shit, becuase of some inherent quality in the song is insane. I for one enjoy it immensely and find it being one of those songs that I like more and more as I listen to it, and most of my friends have enjoyed it, as well. It may not be what a lot of people are used to, and you may not like it, but don't try to play it off like your opinion is the only valid one and everyone else is being "tricked" into thinking it's art.

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