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Dan #1

American Idol

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I cant believe this show...

sure there are funny moment and some of the people are good singers. But the show sucks. I mean there are way better shows out there, yet the ratings on this one are so high. Am i the only one who sees how stupid this show is? ;)

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yah, he is funny. BUT WTH is with his contract dealio?

i cant believe it... some guy from hong kong goes on american idol, makes a fool of himself, and gets a record deal... it makes me sick!

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I think the popularity of these reality shows will die down SLOWLY as producers run out of new ideas.

Im not sure if family guy is coming back ;) it was quite inappropriate and people complained a lot about it.

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for starters yes Family Guy is coming back next year on Fox (huzzah!)


Next, yes reality TV (for the most part) sucks so bad it hurts, especially Americain Idol. It is like a forum for the attention whores, both those that suck, and those that have a shred of talent and want to get themselves 15 long minutes of fame... ;) its nasty

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Isnt the first reality Tv guy the Survivor guy who made Eco-challenge (good stuff) and the whole apprentice thing (which i will admit is decent)....Mark Brunett (maybe? ;) )

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Lol i sometimes watch survivor to ridicule the peoples poor survival skills ( i am a vent nerd ;)).....and the apprentice seems halfway intelligent...Than there is the good old manish reality TV like Monster Garage, or Junkyard Wars, or American Chopper....and sometimes oggling some of these chicks on Bachelor shows...im so lonely

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