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Matt Good Threw A Fit

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This is insanity! I've never seen one website change so radically so quickly, and command my attention so completely. I'm thinking he's continually reducing the site so his "committment" to his fans will be less and less (resulting in this non-site), but the smaller he makes it, the more we buzz like killer bees about whats wrong with him, where he is, is he ok. It's crazy.



-this "non site" being the mg site, not nf sir.

Edited by Kayriss
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Would someone mind please telling me what the hell is going on?


I would appreciate it...

Matt linked to a forum on the MBlog for discussing entries. Earlier today a big debate broke out on the US abandoning the search for WMDs, with Matt in one corner and... well, pretty much everyone else slagging him for labelling (something)merk whose complete name I forget.


Matt made a comment to the regards of "I am ashamed of a part of my fanbase", and now both the forum and the MBlog seem to be down.


As mentioned earlier in this thread, Matt is supposedly working on a new site.

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This really sucks. For the past few months it's been conflict after conflict, with one site after another biting the dust as a result. It makes sense to me that one can only bend so far. Seeing how much Matt's been pushed as of late, I figured sooner or later things would go over the edge. For once, it sucks to see I was right.

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