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just shocking... how can some people make fun of such a terrible thing? (I'm not talking about you guys, I'm talking about those people who are "measuring" how many iraqis are alive and dead...)


for some people war is so trivial that they dare to have all this statistics...


it just makes me vomit...

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War is trivial when it's not necessary, however, war is needed, it's needed to bring peace, and one other thing, think about this one, most of our major wars are due to religion, so wut is the real problem here?

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I blame both, because with organization, comes greed, i also blame hate, religion spawns hate, which is the opposite of wut it is meant for, however, it is the case

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I blame money for war... in the end, that's the only interest to start a war... just think of Irak's invasion: it's been JUST for oil control, for money, for the Americans to be able to make a lot of money, for Bush and his administration to keep the huge oil companies which are supporting them... money is the problem, greed and money are the problem


and i TOTALLY DISAGREE with what you say Mukaman that "wars are needed to bring peace"... that's totally not true, peace is not brought by war... wars kill people, destroy whole countries and make their people just suffer


wars "feed" hatred among people (just think of what is happening between Israel and Palestine)

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One sad thing about wars is that they are improbable to erase from human nature. Wars are part of us... no matter how bad they may be.

Anybody here care to disagree with the fact that they are unavoidable? I think wars are an evil... but a necessary evil. It is rather hard to explain but i hope you understand what I mean. I am not supporting wars, but i am being realistic.

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yeah, I know what you mean and I know that you are not supporting wars... i see your point... in the same way that humanity and all human beins have this "evil part" inside... in most of the cases it doesnt "show up", but when it does... hatred appears and greed and that is what provokes wars basically

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