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Ravenous itchy

Another Political Test

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You can take the test here: http://www.okcupid.com/politics


I will probably add some more tests to this thread too, if people are interested in taking them.



My results:

You are a

Social Conservative

(33% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate

(41% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (-63, -32)

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You are a Social Liberal (68% permissive) and an Economic Moderate (55% permissive)


You are best described as a: Centrist


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

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You are a


Social Liberal

(81% permissive)


and an...


Economic Conservative

(73% permissive)


You are best described as a:




You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.


(technically, I'm an economic liberal... damn website with its confusing little labels).

Edited by Cherry Poppin' Daddy
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You are an


Awesome person

(61% better than everyone else)


and a...


Wicked Friggen Guy

(38% William Shatner)


You are best described as:




You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness


Just kidding, this is my real one;


You are a


Social Liberal

(61% permissive)


and an...


Economic Liberal

(38% permissive)


You are best described as a:




You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness

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You are a:


Social Liberal

(70% permissive)



and an...


Economic Liberal

(18% permissive)



You are best described as a:





You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. (Just like everyone else, weird.)


Hey, is this an American quiz?

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You are a


Social Moderate

(56% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal

(28% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness



lol I'm gorbachovs birth mark


*edit* while I'm not suprised that only 46% of ppl are pro choice, I am suprised at only 40% are in favour of gun control.

Edited by calgarydave
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You think about after all the questions about American Social and Economic affairs that it'd almost certainly be an American quiz.

Yeah, it was meant to be a joke. I forgot to put the slashdot.



Do yourself a favour and give up comedy.


I was being sarcastic too.

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*edit* while I'm not suprised that only 46% of ppl are pro choice, I am suprised at only 40% are in favour of gun control.

The only location in North America that I know of a large number of people wanting gun control is eastern Canada. Everywhere else in North America (as far as I know), this is generally considered a pretty horrid idea.

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You are a


Social Liberal

(81% permissive)




and an...


Economic Liberal

(10% permissive)




You are best described as a:






You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (118, -150)

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*edit* while I'm not suprised that only 46% of ppl are pro choice, I am suprised at only 40% are in favour of gun control.

The only location in North America that I know of a large number of people wanting gun control is eastern Canada. Everywhere else in North America (as far as I know), this is generally considered a pretty horrid idea.

I'm in favour of only limited gun control. I don't believe people should be allowed to own military style weapons, nor carry concealed weapons in public, but rifles and handguns should defintely be legal for law abiding citizens to own.


(I checked yes on that question, even though my position isn't black and white.)

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You are a


Social Liberal

(78% permissive)




and an...


Economic Liberal

(21% permissive)




You are best described as a:






You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.




The gun control dealie: Does anyone need guns? Besides the Poe-leese, why should people have guns?

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You are a


Social Liberal

(73% permissive)




and an...


Economic Moderate

(50% permissive)




You are best described as a:






You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.


This is scary... I'm a Democrat???? Sure I would have preferred John Kerry to beat Bush, but really, did they have to call me a Democrat???


I also found it interesting that I had the highest economic score of everyone else here who did the very scientific test.

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You are a


Social Liberal

(60% permissive)


and an...


Economic Conservative

(60% permissive)


You are best described as a:




You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness


THis is about right, however I tend to vote conservative because I place more value on the economic side of things than the social aspect.

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*edit* while I'm not suprised that only 46% of ppl are pro choice, I am suprised at only 40% are in favour of gun control.

The only location in North America that I know of a large number of people wanting gun control is eastern Canada. Everywhere else in North America (as far as I know), this is generally considered a pretty horrid idea.

I'm in favour of only limited gun control. I don't believe people should be allowed to own military style weapons, nor carry concealed weapons in public, but rifles and handguns should defintely be legal for law abiding citizens to own.


(I checked yes on that question, even though my position isn't black and white.)

I dunno, my point of view now is, if nobody had them would we really need em?


I mean its not like we have to go out and shoot a bison for dinner anymore.


But assualt weapons too (notice the US ban on such weapons recently expired) right, I need that automatic shot gun to protect myself from the King of England!!



As far as what we've been trying to do here, I like the idea but disagree w/ the pratice, it should've been done by attrition, so register new guns, but of course need a liscens for it.

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