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Whats The Longest You've Gone Without "mass Media"

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Alright so recently in a course im taking we were required to not use any mass media at all, tv, radio, newspaper, magazines, books, and keep a journal of it all so i wanted to know whats the longest you've ever gone without any of this!?

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i don't watch tv at all, nor do i listen to the radio, read magazines, or books. but i read the newspaper every day. but you know, computers are mass media, and we're all using them right now, so your ideals are shot to shit.

Edited by saturnine
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I don't watch TV or listen to the radio to begin with. Don't keep a journal either. I read the newspaper irregularaly, maybe a couple of times a month if that, and no magazines at all. Books I read on a pretty frequent basis, both for school courses and for my own interest. The internet on the other hand I use on a nearly daily basis. So the longest time I've spent without doing ANY of those things is probably around a month while traveling/vacationing.

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i dont watch tv, and i dont listen to the radio..

i dont read newspapers, except to read my horoscope or sometimes dear abby, except that its not dear abby anymore, its some fake lame dear abby..

um, but i read a lot of books and im always on the computer because i have no life

so.. uhhh.. i dont know, maybe ive gone a day or so without doing any of that stuff, but i doubt it

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Ahh I suck. I will go on the computer at least an hour a day min. And at least an hour on the computer. I dont listen to the radio alot. However, I do read the newspaper if something is interesting or there is something big is happening in the world.

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