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Tuition To Rise Again?

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I love how the cost of education is rising along with the cost of living but the wages are staying the same.


If it wasn't for my scholarship I have no idea how I would pay for school. I have no desire to take money from my parents to pay for my education as I would rather do it on my own. I guess it's more of a drive for me to attend class when its my 5 grand + on the line.

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The best part is that the hockey players are complaining that they arent getting paid enough (or at least their agents are etc etc) because a million a season isnt good enough and we students have to struggle to pay 5 grand for a decent education


Who the fuck invented these priorities?

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The best part is that the hockey players are complaining that they arent getting paid enough (or at least their agents are etc etc) because a million a season isnt good enough and we students have to struggle to pay 5 grand for a decent education


Who the fuck invented these priorities?

How are those the least bit related?

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The best part is that the hockey players are complaining that they arent getting paid enough (or at least their agents are etc etc) because a million a season isnt good enough and we students have to struggle to pay 5 grand for a decent education


Who the fuck invented these priorities?

How are those the least bit related?

Hockey Players are complaing that they arent making enough money because a million a season doesnt cut it. This was advertised EVERYWHERE


Students are complaining that tuition is high enough as it. Its gotten shit all as far as media attention and no one gives a fuck except the students.


I had more of a point, but im a wee bit retarded and forgot what else i meant to write

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That's ok. I just wasn't sure how you were connecting the two situations.


What do you think of Bob Rae's recent report? He suggests giving low-income students grants and those who can pay, should. Loan repayment after graduation would be related to the person's income.


The vast majority of "middle class" families should have no trouble, if they start planning early. Education saving plans are a good way.

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Not sure if anyone else has heard.


But the Green party of Ontario proposed eliminating tuition for post secondary education for the same reason tuition for highschool education was eliminated 30 years ago. Because most jobs nowadays require a post secondary education, therefore the government has it in their interest to provide it for free.



that is all.

Edited by Radiohead
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I dunno, despite what the SU says at my uni. Tuition is just now back to what it was in my first year (I'm in 5th now).


It went down in second year for some reason.


Whats gots lots of ppls panties in a twist now, is the Uni is going to start differential tution (Thats where the tution is based more on the cost of the faculty and not averaged out) Kinda makes sense to me but whata do I know.


Frankly lol now that I'm going to be done in 3 months I say.... LET TUTION RISE!!! ;)

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What do you think of Bob Rae's recent report?  He suggests giving low-income students grants and those who can pay, should.  Loan repayment after graduation would be related to the person's income.


That sounds nice and all but they are simply putting a band aid on the wound instead of stitching it up. We, the students, shouldnt HAVE to have loans of any sorts coming out of University. We shouldnt HAVE to sign millions of papers just to get a degree. The majority of decent paying jobs require a degree in something, even if it is just a basic arts degree. If students can't afford it they need to provide us with something other than a "grace period" for our loans.


The cost of living is rising dramatically (Hell, when i moved to Ottawa my old place was charging 450$ a month they are now charging $550)and the job market blows. The majority of students leaving University are in debt over $50,000! Thats not education - thats fucking highway robbery! Hell, I'm not even done my second year and I already owe the Government over 10 grand! How is that fair? Relating the students income with their loan isn't going to do shit but have them be forever in debt with the government. Its like maxing out a credit card and only making the minimum monthly payments.


The vast majority of "middle class" families should have no trouble, if they start planning early.  Education saving plans are a good way.


What about those students who get their degree - find out that they can't get a job in their desired field right away - end up working a minimum wage job to make ends meet and then have to pay a hefty loan on top of that? You can always "plan" your future but you might not always be able to see it through.



The proposal is just pretty colored words. People are distracted by how good it looks but obviously aren't paying attention to the small details. Bob Rae can either pay for my education or go fuck himself.

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If you want a university education, you have to pay for it. That may mean taking out loans, and if so, the government is prepared to make it easier to pay them back over time.


Rising costs are a problem, but these are the best ideas I've heard so far. What alternatives are you thinking of?

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If you want a university education, you have to pay for it.  That may mean taking out loans, and if so, the government is prepared to make it easier to pay them back over time. 


Rising costs are a problem, but these are the best ideas I've heard so far.  What alternatives are you thinking of?

How about NOT raising the cost of tuition. Perhaps lowering it even? Or maybe keeping tuition the same but lowering the cost of books and any additional educational material?


I understand that school doesnt come free, that I'm 100% aware of. But like I said I really believe that people like Bob Rae are simply trying to "band aid" the situation instead of having a real sit down and figuring out what they should do.


Scholarships are a wonderful thing, thats for sure. I get 3 grand a year PROVIDED I maintain an 80% average. Now let me tell you something, maintaining an 80% average while working full time isn't an easy task - maybe they should lower the average to even 75% and give students a fair chance at keeping their entrance scholarships or obtaining them. I'm not saying that 80% isnt obtainable, I'm living proof - but it is exhausting and often I find myself in tears just trying to keep up. The scholarship is a great thing, its 3 grand a year I dont have to pay back to the government and it really helps out a lot.


Their proposal like I said would be the equivalent to maxing a Visa and making small monthly payments.




Ashley goes to school for 4 years. She recieves 10 grand a year from the government in student loans. Ashley manages to land herself a relatively low income job but it pays the bills. The government assess her income and 40,000$ loan. They decide that she only pays $150 a month in fees.


How long does it take for Ashley to pay off her loans?


22 years.

Edited by xDirtyx
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you know what's really annoying? the University of Guelph wouldn't grant me a URA (undergrad research assistant) position because my parents make too much money. according to the school my parents are expected to pay over $8000 per year for my education. I told the lady to tell that to my parents...she just stared at me. apparently they don't understand that I'm paying my own way here...assholes.

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If you want a university education, you have to pay for it.  That may mean taking out loans, and if so, the government is prepared to make it easier to pay them back over time. 


Rising costs are a problem, but these are the best ideas I've heard so far.  What alternatives are you thinking of?

How about NOT raising the cost of tuition. Perhaps lowering it even? Or maybe keeping tuition the same but lowering the cost of books and any additional educational material?

Lowering or freezing tuition costs without major government support is not sustainable. BC tried it, and when it failed, the price of tuition skyrocketed. And having governments support this would mean either cuts to other programs or tax hikes. The general public would be opposed to this (a "I don't use it" approach being their argument) and getting a government to do this would be a very difficult undertaking.


Also, tuition has to rise due to rising costs of providing the service. Without increases in tuition, several things happen:

-Profs leave. Since their raises are much smaller or non-existant, they go to a different place where they can make more money. Usually, its the best profs who leave first.

-Less classes are offered to students, due to less profs and greater limitations on resources


When these two things happen, the quality of education students receive is decreased and the degree a student receives becomes less respected in the business community(as compared to other universities), making it harder for the student to get a quality job.


While I agree that something can be done to better control the rising cost, A complete stop on rising costs or a decrease is not a great idea. This idea does not even consider simple inflation in its argument. It is unsustainable, and in the end it will be the burden of future students in a large and quick way once the plan fails.

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It's interesting to me that students in Ontario are having this problem to. My student union (University of Saskatchewan) would have my believe that I'm paying more that any other students in Canada. In fact they are also lobbing for a tuition freeze.


Education is a "get what you pay for" system. I currently pay for mine with a student line of credit from RBC. My line is approved to $50 000, and will possibly go over that (I may need it extended). My tuition this year was $6 365. last year it was $6 130.


I don't know what the rest of you are paying. But I'm actually comfortable with this amount, I know that when I finish my degree will be respected by my prospective employers.



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That's what you think! I'm in Engineering, with a second degree in Computer Science. My student line is actually totally in my own name, it's guaranteed against my predicted income. But my line isn't because I don't have the savings for university, it's so I can build a credit history.


Poverty line my ass, it's not like I'm in an arts program ;)



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well i payed about $4500 this year


and you may be happy with the cost of tuition but it is a huge flaw in our society. Education should be free all the way up. Maybe you can't see this possiblilty but there are countries like Finland who pay for people to go to unversity anywhere they want to. Nobody should be burdened by education and you shouldnt have to prove yourself by how much money you have or have had to get to be where you are. It should be solely based on your academic skill. As for the people who dont want there taxes going to post secondary education, its clear to see that this money would be investing in there future. How could someone deny that?

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