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Apparitions Music Video

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Really? I only recall seeing Ian in that fancy party scene. I'll just have to watch it again, I guess.


I really shouldn't work myself this hard.



My bad, Ian IS the guy at the party. I'm thinking of the bald guy at the very beginning of the video.


All I know of him is that he was replaced by Rich for Beautiful Midnight.


I'd place his name here, but I'm a little too tired to look it up.

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Have you never looked through our site? Check the videography section, most of the MG videos are up on our site...

Crusader, you little shite!


The requested URL /media/video/beautifulmidnight/apparitions_480.php was not found on this server.

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Really? I only recall seeing Ian in that fancy party scene. I'll just have to watch it again, I guess.


I really shouldn't work myself this hard.



My bad, Ian IS the guy at the party. I'm thinking of the bald guy at the very beginning of the video.


All I know of him is that he was replaced by Rich for Beautiful Midnight.


I'd place his name here, but I'm a little too tired to look it up.

That's who I'm thinking of, too. There really isn't a good shot of him, so it's hard to tell if it really is him, but it's only logical.

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The bald guy is Geoff Lloyd.. he's the one sleeping (unless I'm thinking Rico video.. man I havent seen either in sooo long)..


Dave is the one in the elevator.. and Matt stands behind him flicking his fingers at the back of Dave's head..


Ian is the one at the party.. and is in one of the shots from the surveillance camera walking out of the bathroom and zipping up his pants (for like 1 sec).

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since everyone wanted someone to go and check through the Videos section to see that it works, i figured i might as well lend a hand. likely, i should've emailed this to Crusader or something, but he'll get it on here. like a good mod, he does frequent his own board.


the following videos do not work, by album:




Empty Road (dead link: it's not on Matt's site, anymore. actually, he announced its being taken down, due to bandwidth concerns, i believe)


In A World Called Catastrophe (dead link, same)




Anti-Pop (hellacious wait time)




all have the same hellacious wait-time of Anti-Pop, which wouldn't count as broken, but when i got the player looking like it was loading in Firefox, i decided to hit the Back button, because the video was obviously working, and my browser subsequently stopped responding. it's likely just a sluggish server on the other end.




Everything is Automatic (click the link, takes you to the page you're already on)




Symbolistic White Walls (same as EIA)


i don't care, really. i'd love to be able to see EIA or Anti-Pop (i love the gnome thing), but bandwidth is a precious resource, i'm well aware. just thought you'd like to know, Crusader.

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I don't know, but I can upload them if you'd like. Which ones would you like?

Whatever you're willing to upload ;)


I have only antipop, thanks to you, of course.


I have a good library of live/unreleased MG/B that i could trade...

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