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Someone Hates Jen Good

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A friend of mine showed me a link to a blog of someone who apparently is not a fan of Jenn nor Matthew Good.. the guy quotes from her blog.. and it's pretty vicious.. although it's quite funny at times.. in a "i should do the world a favour and kill myself" way



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This guy is a fucking loser. He may be witty and somewhat amusing in his writings. But when it comes right down to it, he is a fucking moron. Some people must learn and understand the meaning of a "PERSONAL BLOG"...

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some people are just a little self absorbed, you know? i didn't care about this person's opinion before, why should i care now, just because they've found out how to start a blog?? it's ridiculous.


committing so much effort to something you dislike makes no sense to me. it's like that goddamn "say no to ashley simpson" petition. what a waste of time.


who cares what jennifer good does or not?

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committing so much effort to something you dislike makes no sense to me. it's like that goddamn "say no to ashley simpson" petition. what a waste of time.


who cares what jennifer good does or not?

You just said exactly what is was going to. Nice.


I actually got bored half way through. We're heard people say all this stuff before here and on The Idiot Box. It's boring now.


If only he would put that much energy into something that mattered.

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I frequent this message board and usually don't take the time to post, but i put in my two cents over on that idiot's message board if anyone wanted to check it out.

Edited by jrok
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The more replies this guy gets, the more recognition he will get.


I like the fact that he talks about how Jen's blog updates are stupid because she stated that she wanted to get a small tattoo. It's a personal blog you fucktardIt's the exact same thing that he is doing, but his personal ideas and ramblings are all concentrated upon one woman, whom he vaguely understands I'm sure.


Like I said, more attention fuels the fire

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I want a tattoo. But I'm scared. Just a teeny tiny one. On my wrist. I may get one today. I may not.


This asshole complained that this shouldn't have been a post. It's her blog, let her voice whatever she wants.


This guy wasn't at all witty or entertaining, i couldn't be bothered to read any farther.


He's just jealous that Matt has a hot wife, a succesful career and intellect, while the only thing this angry German guy has got running for him is a lot of free time.

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The guy does come off as a jerk but you have to admit his Blog is much better written Jennifers.

Once again, when making fun of someone's writing ability, it's a good idea to make sure your own post is correct. I usually don't care about grammar, but come on!

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Once again, when making fun of someone's writing ability, it's a good idea to make sure your own post is correct. I usually don't care about grammar, but come on!

I never clamied to be a better writer then Jen but rather that the "angry german" was.

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I eventually got fed up with it.


But thats ok, because I have better things to do. Like homework. Which I will get to, I just have a couple more things to do first. Like spinning in my chair. And counting the lines on my hand.

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someone should tell that guy....if you don't like it, don't read it. i read her blog cause i enjoy it and i don't read his cause i don't like it. but hey some pepole get their kicks outta putting others down. anyone who disses someone else is just making themselves look bad, and showing that they have no self respect. Jerks will always be jerks!


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