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I just picked this cd up the other day for $10. It's incredible, I haven't been able to stop listening to it. I'd heard snippets of songs from them before but it's the first time that I picked up one of the cd's. I would have been happy paying $20 for it. Now I just need to go and get the other albums. ;)

Edited by Spritzup
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I love them.


But I hope they don't sell out.... I heard a song of theirs on the radio station that I hate for playing Nickelback. So it sounds like they're beginning to.


They're awesome live, I recommend.


Edit: Their 2nd album Revolutions Per Minute is just as good if not better than their latest. Their first album, The Unravelling, not so much.

Edited by Radiohead
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I've never got why people stop liking a band when they 'sell out'. I believe you go into music hoping your music strikes a chord with as large an audience as possible. As long as a band doesn't change it's music to make it more appealing to the masses.

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They're so fucking awesome. Saw them on the 19th and it was the most intense punk concert ever. I was so impressed with their performance too.

I have both Siren Songs... & Revolutions Per Minute and they are both incredible albums... I suggest if you like Rise Against at all that you get them.

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i had to work at their concert a week or so back, and my opinion is that either you are all really young, or have very little musical taste.

That's a pretty egotistical thing to say. And by that I mean that you're pretty much saying "My superior opinion and taste for music is so mature and better than anyone else's. You must be YOUNG, or have bad taste, or maybe you're just FUCKING RETARDED."


Sorry, I just really didn't dig the generalization there.


I am young, but I'm actually quite mature, but that has nothing to do with my taste in music. I love Rise Against, and other punk music. Not because "I'm young", but because I enjoy it.


And if I have such shitty taste in music, then why is Matthew Good my most-definite favourite artist? Hmmm...


Suck it down. I'm in a bad mood, and you pissed me off more.

Edited by badseed
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i had to work at their concert a week or so back, and my opinion is that either you are all really young, or have very little musical taste.

That's a pretty egotistical thing to say. And by that I mean that you're pretty much saying "My superior opinion and taste for music is so mature and better than anyone else's. You must be YOUNG, or have bad taste, or maybe you're just FUCKING RETARDED."


Sorry, I just really didn't dig the generalization there.


I am young, but I'm actually quite mature, but that has nothing to do with my taste in music. I love Rise Against, and other punk music. Not because "I'm young", but because I enjoy it.


And if I have such shitty taste in music, then why is Matthew Good my most-definite favourite artist? Hmmm...


Suck it down. I'm in a bad mood, and you pissed me off more.

punk died in 1979 sweetheart.


just because u like Matt Good dosnt make you tastefull.


infact, 90 % of the people on this board have horrid taste.


but thats just the opinion of one.


but my opinion is more important.

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You know after reading your comments about how much my musical taste sucked I threw all my cd's under my car and reapeatedly drove over them. Then I cut off my ears because apparently they are of little use to me and in fact have been lying to me all these years with what I think is good music. Fuck you're an idiot.


If you don't like what I or others on this forum listen to, that's fine, feel free to say that. But you don't need to insult and demeen us at the same time. If everyone liked the same music, the shit would be pretty boring. As long as you like what you listen to and you're listening to it becuase you like it, who gives a shit.


By the way pretentious fuck, how old are you?

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Are you one of those people who was never cool in high school or whatever, so when you frequent message boards you put on the big egomaniac "i don't care" attitude that you never got to use before?


God I hate those people.


By the way... a few more things.


1) "Punk died in 1979 sweetheart" if someone ever said this to me in person I'd punch them in the face. I can't stand people who think they know what the definition of music is and when it died or didn't die.


2) I think it's really ridiculous that people can act like such assholes on here. I am totally cool with someone saying, "Hey, I don't like that band. I think they suck" or other statements of the like. However, my tolerance for people like you who like to make stupid little implications about people based on their musical tastes is dying quick.


Hey, maybe you're actually a really decent human being in real life, and I'm sorry if I angered you... but you gotta know that you're being a fucking asshole, and I think the way you present yourself on here seems pretty fucking immature for someone who considers themself so old and wise in the ways of the world.


"Punk died in 1979 sweetheart"... Fuck that pisses me off.

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i had to work at their concert a week or so back, and my opinion is that either you are all really young, or have very little musical taste.

That's a pretty egotistical thing to say. And by that I mean that you're pretty much saying "My superior opinion and taste for music is so mature and better than anyone else's. You must be YOUNG, or have bad taste, or maybe you're just FUCKING RETARDED."


Sorry, I just really didn't dig the generalization there.


I am young, but I'm actually quite mature, but that has nothing to do with my taste in music. I love Rise Against, and other punk music. Not because "I'm young", but because I enjoy it.


And if I have such shitty taste in music, then why is Matthew Good my most-definite favourite artist? Hmmm...


Suck it down. I'm in a bad mood, and you pissed me off more.

lookign back, you attacked me for my opinion.....

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lookign back, you attacked me for my opinion.....

Sorry guy, but you are the one in the wrong here. Its fine if you want to disagree as to whether an artist is good or not, but going on insulting people because they have different tastes than you is extremely disrespectful. If your idea of having a discussion is attacking people, then find somewhere else to do it.

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So what exactly is your taste in music? I'd just be curious to know what superior tunes you listen too so that I may bow down before your greatness.


I feel like I'm having a conversation here with a 12 year old.

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i said he has a bad taste in music.


thats my opinion, and ill stand by it.

sorry i got everyone all pissy.

I'm a girl. ;)


Thanks for sticking up for me, Spritzup...... Thanks for not being an asshole.


I need some fucking peace among the people.

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punk died in 1979 sweetheart.

punk's not dead. you can't kill an ideal, douche.


In other words you don't want to tell us, because you've got nothing.

That's what i was thinking.

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