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Not sure if there are many OLP fans here, but I sure am.


Okay, so Gravity was pretty high in the suckyness rating and all, but we cannot forget their potential (Clumsy, Happiness, Spiritual Machines).


Their new cd is due out late summer. You can go onto their message board to here clips of a few of their new songs.


I'm not going to expect anything as good as the previously mentioned cds, but the tracks show enough potential to blow Gravity out of the water.

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I pretty much agree with Saturnine, except that Clumsy was huge when I was in jr high, the most "angsty" years of our lives, so it was pretty much standard listening for me. They have a couple good songs on each album, but never anything to make them worth buying.

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Our Lady Peace kick serious ass. Gravity was weak, very weak, but they are still up there with Matt Good for me.

so you're saying matthew good is weak??? ;)


i personally think that OLP's best albums were clumsy and spiritual machines. it's funny how they sucked as soon as they left arnold lanni. hmmmmmmmmmmmm... interesting...


also, i think raine should change his name back to michael and stop pretending like he's god's gift to music or art for that matter. maybe he should start writing lyrics that sound like they're coming from a 30 year old man as opposed to a 15 year old girl. he could lay off the blow a little bit too...

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Not sure if there are many OLP fans here, but I sure am.


Okay, so Gravity was pretty high in the suckyness rating and all, but we cannot forget their potential (Clumsy, Happiness, Spiritual Machines).


Their new cd is due out late summer. You can go onto their message board to here clips of a few of their new songs.


I'm not going to expect anything as good as the previously mentioned cds, but the tracks show enough potential to blow Gravity out of the water.

OMG! ;)


didnt know they were gonna have a new CD soon...


yes, i like them A LOT, i have all their albums and i think it is a very good band

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I do like them, and their last one "Gravity" was pretty good, some songs were a big weak but it contained very good songs too...


my favorite album is "happiness..." though, more than Gravity

Edited by juanpe
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Well, i've been paying attention to their new songs for over a year now. The only one in a clip is "Wipe that smile..." and i really like it. Hopefully they'll include Talk Is Cheap in there somewhere.


(I've got all the clips and live versions of some new songs on the hub)

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Spiritual Machines was so great. It makes me wonder what would happen if Mike had stayed on



yeah i think i definitely would've been more interested in the band still and would've had more respect for them, had he stayed on.


plus having bob rock as a producer is never good. are they working with him for this album as well?

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