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Dan #2

Since I Was Your Man Vid

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do you have

BonTempo's "No 9"

BonTempo's "Reprise"

BonTempo's "Slow and Low"

BonTempo's "Subjugate Me"

Can't Explain

any combo of 2 will do

my last post was not directed to you but it worked, you are a fag and i'm willing to trade.

the problem is that i can see when your on line and i post replies and you wait 3 weeks write back, i dont have 12hrs of my day to waste on this budget site. i would like to get the dl i need and be off

i'm a prick on the internet because i dont like to waste time and i love starting shit

i have no hate towards you, but you are upset because you know i'm right about emo (trend nothing more).

if you talk back to me one more time, i wrap your fuckin mouth loose

thats all, im done

email me if you want the wma


man i wish i was in grade six and still got a kick out of calling people gay.


seeing as i started the thread 9 days ago, and during the first five, you thought you were cool by linking quicktime.


you don't have 12 hours to spend on the internet? where do you find the time to post 20 inciteful posts a day. junk like "i'm starving for attention, email me," and going around 'starting shit.'


emo being a trend. no. it's popular now. it's been around for twenty+ years, goat-fucker.


i have all of those songs, but i do not want wma. i said that a few times now, bitch.


so are you going to wrap my 'fuckin mouth loose' now?


seriously, how old are you?

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Has this fool been banned yet? I'm not even in the conversation and he's starting to piss me off.

And where does the prick get off asking for all those songs?

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Has this fool been banned yet? I'm not even in the conversation and he's starting to piss me off.

And where does the prick get off asking for all those songs?

meh, it doesn't bother me. i have them all. i really want this vid, as it's the only one i don't have. it's keeping me from burning a disc...


too bad idiot doesn't seem to know the difference between quicktime, wma and wmv...

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Just thought i'd renew the call. I still need the It's Been Awhile Since I Was Your Man vid, in wmv. I'll give you like $800nf.

Edited by insober
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Just thought i'd renew the call. I still need the It's Been Awhile Since I Was Your Man vid, in wmv. I'll give you like $800nf.

sorry ig this makes me look like a newb but what's nf?

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