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Any Matt Good Songs Give You Chills?

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I know that whenever I listen to I Miss New Wave and the part right after he sings about driving to LA comes on, I get chills.


Same goes for Suburbia when the music just ends suddenly and you are left with the tone playing.



Does this happen to anyone else, or am I in early stages of some form of cancer?

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i've never heard coming out in purple. there's quite a few that give me chills.


sort of a protest song. the guitar really strikes me in that song.


some of avalanche (the album) gives me shivers at times.


flight recorder from viking 7 is pretty intense too. the heavy breathing and such.


as for others, well, tears came to my eyes the first time i heard all together. i'm sure that counts for something.


and, assorted others.


the future is x-rated (slow version) also sends chills up my spine. i don't know about the rest of you, but yeah.

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strange days - right around 3 minutes into it before the piano gets a working


weapon - right before the drums bring you out of the interlude


ex-pats of the blue mountain symphony orchestra - before the guitar solo at the end of the slow part


jenni's song - interlude


prime time deliverance - whenever matt's voice builds up to be rough and strong before each chorus

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Prime Time Deliverance

Flight Recorder From Viking 7

Strange Days



Empty Road

Sort of a Protest Song

Advertising on Police Cars


Theres even more but those are the ones that first come to mind when I think of the question.

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While We Were Hunting Rabbits - 'cos of the ending with the lyrics "I'm a boat on the ocean, I'm just a ship lost at sea."

Weapon - In its entirety.

Born to Kill - The tricky ending that makes you think you just went deaf.

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i've never heard coming out in purple.


Consider yourself the luckiest Matthew Good fan on the face of the Earth. Seriously, what the HELL was that song? Bon Tempo i can accept, for experimental reasons. But Coming out in Purple is worse than... Britney Spears covering I love Rock and Roll.


*sigh* Sometimes i wonder about that boy...

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i've never heard coming out in purple.


Consider yourself the luckiest Matthew Good fan on the face of the Earth. Seriously, what the HELL was that song? Bon Tempo i can accept, for experimental reasons. But Coming out in Purple is worse than... Britney Spears covering I love Rock and Roll.


*sigh* Sometimes i wonder about that boy...

Coming out in Purple was fantastic.

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i've never heard coming out in purple.


Consider yourself the luckiest Matthew Good fan on the face of the Earth. Seriously, what the HELL was that song? Bon Tempo i can accept, for experimental reasons. But Coming out in Purple is worse than... Britney Spears covering I love Rock and Roll.


*sigh* Sometimes i wonder about that boy...

let me borrow your lightsaber plz.

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"Can't get shot in the back if you don't run" played live (acoustic solo) as the encore in Montreal last year.






The Inescapable us


Let's get it on


Apparations as a live acoustic solo performance (usually an encore)


It's been a while since I was your man

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pretty much all of loser anthems is shivers worthy....

the most emotional part of any matthew good/mgb song to me is at the end of sort of a protest song where matt's like "our lives in these empty spaces aside" ...it's the best possible way to kick back into the band.... i've never failed to be incredibly moved when that comes on.

also in the rat who would be king, the chorus is unbelievable

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