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Canada Now The Only Top 5 Al-qaeda Target Not Hit

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Al-Qaeda's top 5 "Christian" target countries: 1. U.S., 2. Britain, 3. Spain, 4. Australia, 5. Canada


Could we be next?


Canada may become a target

Americans, British, Australians, Spaniards hit


Adrian Humphreys

National Post



July 8, 2005


Yesterday's bombings in London, coupled with the attacks on the United States, Spain and Australia (through the Bali nightclub bombings), may increase the likelihood of Canada becoming a target for terror.


Although it is not yet proved that an al-Qaeda group was responsible for yesterday's destruction, Canada is now one of a dwindling number of nations named as a target by Osama bin Laden that has not been directly hit.


"Human targets sorted by level of importance," reads a list in the al-Battar Military Manual, a training manual masterminded by Saif al-Adel, one of al-Qaeda's most senior leaders, and distributed to supporters over the Internet.


Jewish targets top the list. Then, in a separate category called "the Christians," the manual states: "The grades of importance are as follows: 1. Americans, 2. British, 3. Spaniards, 4. Australians, 5. Canadians, 6. Italians."


With yesterday's attack, the first four countries on the list have all been targeted.


Canada was also directly named by bin Laden in an audio address warning the U.S.'s allies.


"What do your governments want from their alliance with America in attacking us in Afghanistan?" bin Laden asked in Arabic.


"I mention in particular Britain, France, Italy, Canada, Germany and Australia.... You will be killed just as you kill and will be bombed just as you bomb."


Anti-terrorism specialists say the threats should be taken seriously, but Canadians should not panic.


"I don't think al-Qaeda is suddenly going to decide to more intensively be anti-Canadian or to attack Canada more fervently because of London," said Martin Rudner, director of the Centre for Intelligence & Security Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa.


"But there is no question Canada is a target. There have been efforts to recruit Canadians and even preliminary indications of plans to attack Canada."


"Canada is part of their infidel world," he added. "But looking at al-Qaeda through their lens, Ottawa doesn't conjure up the same gravitas. An attack on Toronto will get a minor mention in U.S. papers. The Arab world wouldn't even report it."


Ivan Eland, a national security analyst with the Independent Institute in Oakland, Calif., agrees.


"Any country can be hit by a terrorist attack but terrorists only have so many resources. They have been going after the ones with the biggest payoff," he said.


"There is a two-tiered system. Al-Qaeda probably wants to go after countries like Spain and Britain first, countries that had direct involvement militarily in Iraq, and then get around to other countries as resources permit.


"Not as many resources will be put to attacking Canada as to attacking those actively involved in the war in Iraq."


Personally i think terrorists would be dumb to attack Canada, since we are a great avenue for them to get into the U.S. There are currently about 50 terrorist organizations in Canada. If we were attacked we'd very likely crack down more on security and terrorists would lose a valuable base of operations.

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I think European and South American countries are a little bit more Christian than Canada, especially Italy. Perhaps we ought to help Al-Qaeda with their fact-checking.


Besides that, what would be the point in attacking Canada? If you don't give people a reason to attack, they won't. We didn't join the war in Iraq, they likely have higher priorities.


Besides that, we can't be afraid. We can't go around screaming that the sky is falling, or else we will become like those idiot rednecks who think we should ban islam and send all arabic peoples back to the middle east. God dammit, I take the subway every day to get home from school, if I'm afraid to do that, well...

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if we start living in fear, then we will become american and will already have been attacked in the worst way possible.

^This is why i like you.


Canada is an easy target, but what seperates us from the other five countries is Iraq. It's naive to say that we are safe, but i don't think we have a whole lot to worry about. I know it will happen someday, but i'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

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if we start living in fear, then we will become american and will already have been attacked in the worst way possible.

exactly, we cannot be all the time living in fear, we wouldnt go out, we wouldnt go to work or to class, or go out, we would be permanently living under some sorta "psichosis"...


I'm not gonna do it, i'm not gonna stop doing my normal life because i dont want terrorists to rule my life

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if we start living in fear, then we will become american and will already have been attacked in the worst way possible.

^This is why i like you.


Canada is an easy target, but what seperates us from the other five countries is Iraq. It's naive to say that we are safe, but i don't think we have a whole lot to worry about. I know it will happen someday, but i'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

i have no idea why i like you.

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Besides that, what would be the point in attacking Canada?  If you don't give people a reason to attack, they won't.  We didn't join the war in Iraq, they likely have higher priorities.

They have a reason to attack. We went to war in Afghanistan, and are allies with the U.S. We are nation where Christianity is the #1 religion.


And i'm not saying that we should live in fear or significantly change our lives. But we should get over the idea that we are immune to all this because we didn't go into Iraq, and our gov't should focus and providing decent domestic security from terrorism. But I have no idea if they are doing that or not.

Edited by Moonlight_Graham
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Well shits eventually gonna happen. It would be arrogant to say that Canada will never be attacked. I just think that we are neutral to every country. But as Saturnine said, we can't live in fear, thats just stupid. Americans are worry-warts, they are controlled by fear. If the American government think they are getting too relaxed they raise the Terorist Alert Level. Its all bullshit

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Dying in a subway bombing is probably better than sitting at home in fear, anyways. Because it means that you were going somewhere and doing something and actually living instead of sitting around on your ass watching TV, too afraid to step outside your front door.

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stop humoring yourselves, and me. It's pointless trying to rationalize probabilities about who's more at risk.Religious people in general are incapable of thinking in terms of reason and logic; religious extremists sure as fuck aren't thinking that way. They're actions are whimsical and you shouldn't expect anything other than that.

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Pointless to rationalize probabilities about who's more at risk?


Maybe Ellesmere Island is their next target then, for all we know.


You dolt. Whimsical?


You think the Trade Centres were a "whimsical" target? Or even London, for that matter?

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Pointless to rationalize probabilities about who's more at risk?


Maybe Ellesmere Island is their next target then, for all we know.


You dolt. Whimsical?


You think the Trade Centres were a "whimsical" target? Or even London, for that matter?

May I introduce Maverick, the reigning geopolitical expert here at NF.com

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I've just sent an e-mail to the RCMP alerting them of the impending disaster on Ellesmere Island. I hope they take this tip off seriously! Don't be suprised if you see them start hanging out on these forums in the hope of catching the enlightenment that Maverick so sparingly provides.

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Just remember to remind them that these extremists are extremely "whimsical" and could strike at any moment in any location and that there is no sense weighing in on any probabilities for their attacks.

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Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are intelligent and rational, not crazy by any means. Being radically islamic doesn't make you any less calculating. For the other terrorist groups, i can't say the same for sure. I'm sure some are very organized, & others just want to strap on the TNT and blow up as many people as possible so they can have sex with their 40 virgins in heaven.


Does not supporting Iraq make us less vulnerable? Yes. Does it make us not a target? No. I'm not living in fear at all, because the odds of being injured in something like a car accdient is 50 million times greater (don't quote me on that # lol) than being injured in a terrorist attack (in Canada that is).


...However, you won't see me hanging around the U.S. embassy in Ottawa 24-hours a day.

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Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are intelligent and rational, not crazy by any means. Being radically islamic doesn't make you any less calculating. For the other terrorist groups, i can't say the same for sure. I'm sure some are very organized, & others just want to strap on the TNT and blow up as many people as possible so they can have sex with their 40 virgins in heaven.


Does not supporting Iraq make us less vulnerable? Yes. Does it make us not a target? No. I'm not living in fear at all, because the odds of being injured in something like a car accdient is 50 million times greater (don't quote me on that # lol) than being injured in a terrorist attack (in Canada that is).


...However, you won't see me hanging around the U.S. embassy in Ottawa 24-hours a day.

Agreed. They are intelligent and rational. At the same time, I strongly believe they are crazy. Yes, you can be both rational and insane. To call their actions "whimsical" is just not very insightful.

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I think that calling them crazy is going too far. They're all just really caught up in a movement that does not have a practical purpose. They don't believe that what they're doing is wrong. If you were put down all of your life would you not resent those who live in excess? And the West is even more of a target because we are different from the Muslims, on top of that.

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Well, that's the point. They have been raised and educated to act in what can easily be considered a "crazy" way. Whenever you take the lives of the innocent, even for what you deem to be the greater good, there's something insane about that tactic. I even say that in regards to George W. There are better ways, people.

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