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Harry Potter (!hbp Spoiler Warning!)

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Wow, quite the hullabaloo. I've never read, nor plan to read, any of the books.

It isn't actually so bad in here. In some other forums, if I make a post in a thread that I'm not completely enthused with Harry Potter, I get flamed for there being something wrong with me / not having read any of the books and therefore not in a position to make a criticism, despite the fact that I did read two of the books and was otherwise unenthused.

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I eventualy thought of regulus too, after leafing feverishly through OOTP. I later found out that most people think that. He's dead though so...


yeah, but, the message in the horcrux, from, of course, RAB, says that RAB knows that he will be dead by the time this is found. I think that this just further proves the point.


And Anton, Horcruxes can't be made unless someone is killed, so Harry couldn't be a horcruz, because he wasn't killed. And if he was killed, he would be a crappy horcruz, because Voldys soul would be gone anyways.


And Harry sent Trelawney away so that he could talk to dumbles by himself, thats why no one learned of the prediction

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Its pretty funny that a large percentage of the people that criticise the series, have not actually read any of the books. Yep, they're pretty stupid!

I never slammed it, I only said that it's not my kind of thing. No thanks, no wizards for me.

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It doesn't say that the one being killed has to be the horcrux either.


Anton, i know, lol.


Also, Dumbledore said that Horcruxes can't be humans, because humans can think for themselves and for some other reasons that i can't remember as i dont have my copy of the book with me.

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He never mentioned Humans.

'The snake?" said Harry, startled. 'You can use animals as Horcruxes?'

'Well it is inadvisable to do so,' said Dumbledore, 'because to confide a part of your soul to something that can think and move for itself is obviously a very risk business. ...

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Read these two articles about HBP.


    Source: http://www.borowitzreport.com/archive_rpt.asp?rec=1176&srch=



    652-Page Tome Ignites Ecological Catastrophe, Sierra Club Warns


    The latest installment in the best-selling Harry Potter series,

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Jesus that guy's good. I actually believed the first article, and the second article i halfway believed until the end.


EDIT: Upon re-reading i'm an idiot and can't believe i didn't realize it was a joke the first time. I got 3 hours of sleep. Shut up.

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