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is anyone here fucked up even slightly because of them though?

I hope not!

First time i did shrooms and last time, i was in my best friends basement, another good point is to have a good friend with you because you're more at ease, you don't want to be uneasy etc taking it. Basically the trip was justkinda odd, i stared at a wall for hours,and then walked home and everything was just kinda off, it wasnt anything like crazy nombs running around stealng underwear out of drawers etc etc. Ive heard though a bad side effect can be: enlargment of the tongue (allergies and whatnot).

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Never smoked pot or anything. I was supposed to try ectasy one time but the deal didn't go down.


On one thread here I saw someone talking about absinthe. I've tried that, though. It was fun. My friend brought the real stuff home from Europe. Not the pussy-shit you can buy at LCBO.

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when i was in grade eleven, my desk faced a girl in my 112 history class, so when i looked up in class, i would see her. When i was walking home, on shrooms one night, i looked up and she was in the full-moon, and everytime i looked at the sky i would see her.


that and i thought things were scratchy the hardwood floors when i was trying to get to sleep.

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I'm going to acquire an ounce of shrooms tomorrow and I might partake with a friend and catch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or The Devils Rejects at the local cineplex. Good times are ahead, or so my forecast says.

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ohhh secret crush.

no, not at all. She just happened to worm her way into my drug-effected brain...


I'm going to acquire an ounce of shrooms tomorrow and I might partake with a friend and catch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or The Devils Rejects at the local cineplex. Good times are ahead, or so my forecast says.


an ounce of shrooms and a horror movie directed by Rob Zombie? You should bring a gun, so you can kill yourself in the parking lot after the movie, you know, to spare your loved ones the pain of seeing you spend the rest of your life in the psych ward.


ps~ don't do it!!

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when i was in grade eleven, my desk faced a girl in my 112 history class, so when i looked up in class, i would see her. When i was walking home, on shrooms one night, i looked up and she was in the full-moon, and everytime i looked at the sky i would see her.


that and i thought things were scratchy the hardwood floors when i was trying to get to sleep.

Kinda like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?


But not kalleidoscope eyes.

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Lots of people smoke pot in Canada. However, been to a few parties where people are smoking up, but i've never seen any other drug other than pot in my entire life. But in high school/University I hung out with a pretty squeeky crowd. The most we did was drink, except for one guy who'd smoke up occasionally.


Drugs are a pretty huge problem in Vancouver apparently.

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I don't do drugs, mainly because I don't trust their source. A guy down the street from me smoked some weed with other crap mixed in with it and had a heart attack. This was about 4 years ago when he was in grade 9. I don't drink alcohol since I don't really like how it tastes.

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no yu begin wher i end Posted on Jul 23 2005, 06:51 PM

  I don't do drugs, mainly because I don't trust their source.


I'm with you on that one. Also if I was at a party or whatever, I wouldn't trust the people around me.

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I suppose I should elaborate on that a little: I would smoke pot if I knew I could trust the source. And if I felt like getting high. Apparently, though, I don't need drugs or alcohol to act like I'm high. Everyone thought I was stoned on New Years, although I wasn't. Good times.

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I don't do drugs, mainly because I don't trust their source. A guy down the street from me smoked some weed with other crap mixed in with it and had a heart attack. This was about 4 years ago when he was in grade 9. I don't drink alcohol since I don't really like how it tastes.

i don't drink either. I don't like the taste or personally really believe that i need to have alcohol to have a good time. I'll have some whine or the very occassional cooler, but beer tastes like piss to me.


personally i think alcohol and recreational drugs have caused much more harm on this earth than good, so they can both kiss my ass.

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I'm not against smoking pot at all but the drug situation in my town (small town Alberta) makes me sick. So many people I know have started doing coke and meth in the last little while and it's had such a negative affect on them.

I have a friend, well, had. She drank and smoked pot but that was about it. In the last year she's started doing coke and meth, started dealing drugs, lost her job, lost about 50 pounds. If she keeps it up I'm scared she'll end up dead somewhere. In eight months, she went from normal, well adjusted with a job, a life to a complete zombie.

It's a widespread problem where I live. It's so easy to get, easy to get addicted to. I'll never try coke because I have heard so many regrets from friends that say that they wished they'd never tried it because now they can't stop.

Used to be a pretty good place to live, used to be good people but now it's scary.

That's my two cents worth anyway.

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I don't do drugs, mainly because I don't trust their source. A guy down the street from me smoked some weed with other crap mixed in with it and had a heart attack. This was about 4 years ago when he was in grade 9. I don't drink alcohol since I don't really like how it tastes.

Pssh, it's not about how it tastes, it's about the effect you get afterwards!111


Drinking to me is no big deal... coming from an Italian background, my older relatives have often tried to get me to drink wine. So I've got no real need to go out and binge. The problem with alcohol is that parents refuse to let their kids anywhere near it, so the second that they even have the opportunity to drink away from their parents, they'll go overboard.

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I don't do drugs, mainly because I don't trust their source. A guy down the street from me smoked some weed with other crap mixed in with it and had a heart attack. This was about 4 years ago when he was in grade 9. I don't drink alcohol since I don't really like how it tastes.

Pssh, it's not about how it tastes, it's about the effect you get afterwards!111


Haha, don't think I haven't heard that before. Then, there's the feeling after that feeling. I.e. the hangover. ;)

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I've gotten incredibly drunk off my ass numerous times and still haven't had a hangover.

I do get a bit more vomity than most during my drunken stupor, so i guess that's making up for it.

I personally don't like alcohol very much. It tastes disgusting. Especially beer. But like ecnarf said, it's for the effect.

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I've gotten incredibly drunk off my ass numerous times and still haven't had a hangover.

I do get a bit more vomity than most during my drunken stupor, so i guess that's making up for it.

I personally don't like alcohol very much. It tastes disgusting. Especially beer. But like ecnarf said, it's for the effect.

yeah, no hangovers for me.


But, i do puke quite alot when i am drinking. I don't realize how strong I make my drinks.


Mental note, a 26-er should make more than 10 drinks.

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