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Bala Setlist?

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he opened with Near Fantastica

the rest of these are out of order....

Suburbia -- which was incredible


Put out you lights

Pour mans grey

Hello Time bomb

Load me up

Blue skies over bad lands

Alert status red

Little Terror

North American for life

Oh be joyful



His encore:


Advertising on Police cars -- absolutely amazing

Apparitions - accoustic


Amazing show! he played for an hour and a half.

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he had a keyboard setup.


You know how Matt sometimes changes songs a bit in concert? Like at the end of HTB he gets the crowd to sing it slower and then he sings it slower. Advertising on Police cars sounded identical in every way to the CD.



We got Giant but the other two concerts got Everything is Automatic. I would take Giant over EiA anyday, but my girlfriend's favorite MG song is EiA.

Edited by Vance
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k Giant was amazing... the whole crowd was doing the k-i-c-k-a-s-s chant, when the recorded version of BM kicked in... hot damn it was amazing


k on a side note, did anyone catch the name of the opening act? i really liked them but failed to figure out what their name is ;)

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The first guy was named Pat Robitaille, if you google him you can find a couple mp3s on his site and the second group was called Mobile. They said their album would be coming out in the fall...first single in august.

Here is the setlist (after reaching up on the 6 foot high stage to get it, i figured i should stick around in the rain to get it autographed lol)


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I was at the show (from Green Bay Wisconsin if anyone saw the liscence plate from Wisconsin and was confused), and my girlfriend went upstairs after a few songs and said she saw somebody videotaping the whole show, not sure if anyone else saw this or knows anything about it (or if my girlfriend is crazy, which... is always a possibility).

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I didn't get to see the show ;) Stupid not being 19 until September.

But I got totally hooked up by one of his people from Bernie Breen management and was at the soundcheck (which was very cool) and me, my boyfriend, bro and bro's friend sat in his tour bus and talked to him for an hour.

Fucking awesome consolation.

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